Plant-based diet for varicose veins

Suitable food for varicose veins

What food should I eat to avoid varicose veins?

Following a proper diet is the best way to prevent varicose veins.

The adoption of a diet based on foods rich in fiber, protein, rutin, flavonoids, vitamin C and Vitamin B can help remedy varicose veins or prevent their occurrence.

Lack of proteins and varicose veins

Lack of proteins can produce a weakening of the veins walls which can favor varicose veins. We should restrict animal food with a high content in saturated fat because it can raise cholesterol levels.

The main source of proteins should be from legumes, such as soy and nuts. Non vegetarian people can eat poultry and lean meats. In any case, lean meats should be controlled and taken in moderate amounts.

Lack of fiber varicose veins

Fiber also contributes to wall formation. A good intake of soluble fiber is necessary to maintain veins health and favor blood circulation by means of preventing blood clots and constipation. (More information about Diet for constipation)

Flavonoids for varicose veins

Flavonoids have cardiotonic properties. They exert a tonic effect on the heart, strengthening the heart muscle and improving circulation. This property is mainly attributed to the flavonoid quercetin but it appears less intense in others such as genistein and luteolin.

Flavonoids improve the strength of capillaries and favor their resistance, so they are adequate to prevent bleeding. Among all flavonoids we would mention in order of importance hesperidin,, quercetin and routine.

Flavonoids also have antithrombotic properties. The ability of these components to prevent thrombus formation in blood vessels allows better circulation and prevention of many cardiovascular diseases.

Rutin for varicose veins diet

Rutin has a lot of properties. Related to varicose veins we can say that it improves circulation because of its vasodilator properties, prevent capillary fragility, reduces hypertension, including that of the eye or glaucoma, and avoids the risk of stroke.

Rutin also helps with the absorption of vitamin C, preventing the its oxidation

We find this component in plant foods such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, tangerines, etc), apricots, elder, tea, spinach, and watercress and

Rutin is also sold as supplements (More information about ” Natural treatment of varicose veins” in the listing below)

Hesperidine for varicose veins diet

Its properties are virtually the same than rutin, although it is used especially as a protector of the capillaries, making it suitable for the treatment of varicose veins, or hemorrhoids, or for people prone to suffer bruises and small veins on the skin, such as spider veins.

Hesperidine appears mainly in the citrus fruits (Oranges, lemons, grapefruits, etc) It occurs primarily in the skin and white membrane that is before the pulp, hence, when the juice is convenient to also express this part.

Quercetin for varicose veins diet

The circulatory system benefits greatly from its use to prevent such common circulatory diseases as atherosclerosis, cholesterol, hypertension, angina pectoris or varicose veins.

Green tea is a plant that has very large amounts of quercetin, but it is surpassed by onion, hence eating onions is a very clever way of getting this so interesting component. We could consider the onion as a real preventive home medicine for varicose veins.

Other plants that contain a lot of quercetin in its fruits are apples, cherries or pears. It can also be found in spinach, kale, brussels sprouts, oats, mangoes or garlic.

Vitamin C for varicose veins:

Vitamin C can favor blood circulation and fortify blood vessels by means of fostering the development of important connective tissues, such as collagen and elastin.

At the same time, because of its antioxidant properties, it can prevent free radicals to alter blood vessels cell health. The use of this vitamin, although it does not actually cure varicose veins, has a great effect on improving their condition and preventing them to become worse, specially when combined with bioflavonoids as it usually happens in most food containing both principles.

Citrus fruits like oranges, lemons or grapefruits, peppers, dark green leafy vegetables like cabbage or broccoli, are good sources of this vitamin

Other plants that contain this vitamin include cauliflowers, radishes, Brussels sprouts, spinach, bananas, apples, melons, watermelons, carrots, pineapples, pears, papayas, barley, garlic, berries, celery, peas, strawberries, grapes, figs, beans, chicory, blueberries, potatoes, avocados, soybeans, cherimoyas, pomegranates, coconuts, etc.

Vitamin E and varicose veins

Vitamin E properties are similar to vitamin C in the context of varicose veins. Apart from being an important antioxidant, some investigations have proved that this vitamin can dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation.

Plants that have this vitamin are vegetable fats: wheat germ oil, sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, sunflower oil, toasted almonds and olive oil. Other foods with vitamin E are mangoes and avocados.

Vitamin B for varicose veins:

Vitamin B helps taking care of heart and blood vessels health. Whole grains are especially rich among plant foods containing this vitamin. (rice, wheat, oats, etc). Other foods are legumes (soy, peas, broad beans, lentils or dried beans, etc.) or nuts. (walnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, etc)


We will considered the following foods to avoid or eat with caution in the diet of varicose veins:

Refined Cereals: Refining of these foods removes most of the fiber, so that the intake of white rice, white bread or refined pasta is not advised in the diet of the person suffering from varicose veins. One should also avoid products made with white flour such as biscuits, cakes, etc.

Refined sugars: Besides predisposing to obesity, refined sugars are very low in fiber. They favor constipation, so they are not suitable for the person with varicose veins. Cakes, candy or sweets in general containing such sugars should also be avoided.

Salted foods or food containing too much salt: Salt in excess harm varicose veins. Salty preserved foods are not adequate for people with varices. Thus, they should minimize the consumption of olives, salted sardines, anchovies, etc. or other foods rich in salt.

Alcohol and coffee for varicose veins? For their vasoconstrictor properties alcohol and coffee are not suitable. Smoking tobacco must also be rejected, because it also constrains blood vessels.

More information about varicose veins natural treatments.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

23 January, 2025

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