- 1 Nutrition for dry skin
- 1.1 Suitable food for dry skin: Vegetables and fruit for dry skin
- 1.2 Vitamin B for dry skin
- 1.3 Vitamin B supplements for dry skin
- 1.4 Vitamin A for dry skin
- 1.5 Vitamin C for dry skin
- 1.6 Essential fatty-acids for dry skin
- 1.7 Water and liquids for dry skin
- 1.9 Dehydrating substances
- 1.10 What about milk and dairy products?
- 1.11 What about eggs?
- 1.12 High iodine foods
Nutrition for dry skin
Diet can play an important role in dry skin prevention. Between the main dietary tips to avoid dry skin, we can distinguish the following:
Suitable food for dry skin: Vegetables and fruit for dry skin
The main important factor to take into account is that a good amount of vegetables and fruit should be present in skin diet. These provide a lot of vitamins and water and are also very rich in antioxidants that can can keep your skin in very good conditions.
Among the most remarkable fruits for skin problems we can consider the citrus group (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, limes, mandarins, etc.) because they are useful to repair the collagen structure, whose deficiency can cause some skin problems, such as wrinkles, aged skin or dry skin.
Fruits are rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants
Blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, black and red grapes and black currants contain anthocyanidins, some phytochemicals containing pigments which have antioxidant and skin-healing properties. They are also very important to preserve collagen, the protein that is in charge of the good state of the skin.
Carrots contain a lot of beta-carotene which is transformed into vitamin A by the body. It is very useful to prevent skin deterioration, specially because of the negatives effects of sun exposure.
Vitamin B for dry skin
Vitamins from vitamin B complex are very interesting to keep the skin healthy. Vitamin B foods can be obtained from whole cereals (wheat, oats, barley, etc.), nuts (hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts), vegetables (cabbage, cauliflower, spinach, radishes, endive, lettuce…) yeast, etc.
Biotin, pantothenic acid acid and Riboflavin seem to play a special role in the skin diet. Plants rich in biotin (vitamin B7) are soybeans, oats, barley, or corn.
Brewer’s yeast is rich in vitamins B
Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) is necessary for energy production and fat metabolism. All animal foods contain it but liver or viscera are particularly rich, as well as chicken meat or eggs. All vegetable sources contain it, specially whole cereals.
It has been also proved the importance of vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in the development of oily and dry skin. A deficiency of this vitamin is mainly manifested in many problems as uhealing wounds, cracked lips, chapped skin, dermatitis, dry or oily skin
The main source of this vitamin is animal food, specially milk and dairy products (cheese, yoghourt, custard, etc.), Especially low-fat dairy products. It is also found in liver and other animals meats (beef, veal, pork, lamb and fish)
For vegetarian people, rich plant sources of vitamin B2 are spinach, avocado, asparagus, mushrooms, wheat germ, chickpeas, peas, beans, bread, cereals or products made with some cereal (Most of cereals contain vitamin B added)
Vitamin B supplements for dry skin
Some people could have vitamin B deficiency due to one of the following reasons:
– They do not drink milk or dairy products, especially people with lactose intolerance.
– They have adopted a very strict vegetarian diet, not including eggs, milk or milk derivatives.
– They suffer from some form of intestinal malabsorption
– They generally perform strong physical activities, especially in certain professions and elite sports.
These people could need an extra supply of this vitamin that could be obtained through supplements in the form of capsules or tablets. Brewer’s yeast is rich in vitamin B complex.
Vitamin A for dry skin
Vitamin A is necessary for the skin to grow and regenerate. It can be found in big amounts in liver, egg yolk, fish -especially blue fish- and butter.
However, for vegetarian people, plants that contain provitamin A are specially dark green, orange, red or yellow food plants, such carrots, purslane, spinach, watercress and borage.
Other plants that contain it are, for example, squash, tomatoes, coriander, asparagus, dandelion, peppers, watermelon, melon, Brussels sprouts, bananas, apples, plums, oranges, raspberries, mangos, beans, etc.
Carrots are high in vitamin A
Vitamin C for dry skin
The antioxidant properties of vitamin C help prevent or improve skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, dry skin, etc.
Citrus fruits are very rich in this vitamin together with dark green leafy vegetables such as cabbage or broccoli, or peppers
Other plants that contain this vitamin include cauliflowers, radishes, Brussels sprouts, spinach, bananas, apples, melons, watermelons, carrots, pineapples, pears, papayas, barley, garlic, berries, celery, peas, strawberries, grapes, figs, beans, chicory, blueberries, potatoes, avocados, soybeans, cherimoyas, pomegranates, coconuts, etc.
Essential fatty-acids for dry skin
Essential fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) are very suitable for the skin to be in good condition. Fish such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, swordfish, cod, salmon, turbot, shrimp, trout and herring contain high amounts of essential oils. They aid to cure some skin problems such as psoriasis, dry skin or skin inflammation.
Among plant foods rich in essential fatty acids we have nuts, oils such as corn oil, linseed oil, sunflower oil, or soybean oil or very interesting seeds as sunflower seeds or flaxseed. Avocados are very rich in this type of fats.
Essential fatty acids sources
Water and liquids for dry skin
Hydration is necessary to keep the skin in good condition. Water and other vegetable or fruit juices must be taken abundantly to attain it. Don’t forget to drink from 1,5 to 2 liters of water everyday.
Dehydrating substances
Dehydrating substances may increase the elimination of excessive amounts of fluids. This can be reflected in the skin as a lack of flexibility, dryness and wrinkles.
Alcohol and beverages containing caffeine should be limited by their diuretic effects. Drinking these beverages usually can lead to a state of dehydration that produces dryness of the skin. Being prone to dry skin, it would be better to avoid them completely.
Equally we must be very prudent in the use of herbal teas with diuretic properties because of their ability to promote urination. In case of being needed, they must be compensated with the ingestion of large amounts of fluids like water or fruit and vegetables juices.
Photo of a nespresso cup. Caffeine is not recommended for people with dry skin.
What about milk and dairy products?
Some people may experience a deterioration in symptoms of certain skin abnormalities, such as psoriasis or eczema, when taking milk or dairy products. In this case, it is recommended to avoid them.
However, in general, milk and dairy products are recommended for dry skin diet, since they contain a lot of vitamin A.
What about eggs?
When skin dryness is a symptom of eczema, excluding eggs from your diet can improve your skin state.
High iodine foods
It has also been found that eating foods high in iodine can worsen symptoms of skin diseases, especially related with acne. Therefore, it is advisable not to eat foods that are very rich in this component, such as seaweeds or seafood.
More information about dry skin and its natural treatment.