Plant-based diet for pancreatitis

Plant-based food for pancreas inflammation

Importance of a suitable diet on pancreatitis prevention or treatment

Pancreatitis is a serious disease of the pancreas that can be acute or chronic.

The pancreas has digestive functions and eating can increase the pain in these cases due to the involvement of this organ.

Just by means of smelling or tasting a food, the body stimulates the pancreas to start releasing substances in the intestines that allow you to digest and absorb the eaten foods.

This disease is treated in a hospital, where, during the first days, intravenous nutrition (serum) are administered until the pain ceases.

General guidelines for pancreatitis

Characteristics of pancreatitis

Explanatory drawing of pancreatitis. Courtesy of ©

If you are just passing an attack of pancreatitis, you should take a strict diet to introduce foods properly so as not to experience diarrhea.

In general, these guidelines will be followed:

  • The introduction of the food will be made when directed by the physician and under his/her control.
  • Eat low fat: Initially, you will NOT take any oil (or other fat) during meals until other foods are tolerated.
  • Nuts, meats, fatty meats, cookies and pastries are totally contraindicated.
  • When a food or beverage causes pain, stop taking it and try again later.


What to eat during the first days of pancreatitis?

  • Fasting in the hospital with enteral nutrition (intravenous drip) until the pain subsides.
  • You can only eat when directed by the physician.
  • Before taking any food, you should tolerate drinking water.

How to introduce foods ?


Boiled zucchini is recommended at the beginning

  • Natural fruit juices, or sugared water.
  • Vegetables with little fiber, boiled and WITHOUT OIL: zucchini, onions, carrots, etc..
  • If tolerated, boiled potato
  • Boiled rice
  • Soy drink
  • Puffed rice cakes

If previous foods are tolerated…

Boiled quinoa

Boiled quinoa

  • Boiled white fish, papillote or microwave.
  • Soy protein powder
  • Or hard boiled egg without the yolk
  • Bread Rusks
  • Boiled corn
  • Other grains: quinoa, buckwheat, oats, etc..
  • Add little oil to preparations. Increase gradually.

Recommended meals

The most desirable during the first weeks of recovery is that the patient can eat rice and a protein food with a little oil.

If you do not tolerate oil, do not take it and use supplementation of short and medium chain triglycerides.

Examples of meals

zucchini cream

Zucchini cream is very suitable in this diet

Vegetable broth with rice

Boiled fish with a little oil + boiled potato

Apple juice


Boiled rice with boiled vegetables (onion or zucchini)

Hard boiled egg (no yolk) + boiled potatoes with a little oil

Pear juice


Courgette soup with potatoes and soy protein powder

Boiled rice

Non-fat yoghurt

Apple juice

* Related information:

Suitable food for pancreatitis

Sample menus for pancreatitis

punto rojoMore information on pancreatitis.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

13 November, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.