Suitable plant-based food for oily skin
Nutrition for oily skin
Diet can play an important role in oily skin prevention. Between the main dietary tips to avoid oily skin, we can distinguish the following:
Vegetables and fruit for oily skin
The main important factor to take into account is that a good amount of vegetables and fruit should be present in oily skin diet. These provide a lot of vitamins and water and are also very rich in antioxidants that can can keep your skin in very good conditions.
Riboflavin for oily skin
It has been also proved the importance of vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) in the development of oily skin. A deficiency of this vitamin is mainly manifested in many problems as nonhealing wounds, cracked lips, chapped skin, dermatitis, or oily skin.
The main source of this vitamin is animal food, specially milk and dairy products (cheese, yoghourt, custard, etc.), Especially low-fat dairy products. It is also found in liver and other animals meats (beef, veal, pork, lamb and fish)
For vegetarian people, rich plant sources of vitamin B2 are spinach, avocado, asparagus, mushrooms, wheat germ, chickpeas, peas, beans, bread, cereals or products made with some cereal (Most of cereals contain vitamin B added).
Riboflavin supplements for oily skin
Some people could have vitamin B2 deficiency due to one of the following reasons:
- They do not drink milk or dairy products, especially people with lactose intolerance.
- They have adopted a very strict vegetarian diet, not including eggs, milk or milk derivatives.
- They suffer from some form of intestinal malabsorption
- They generally perform strong physical activities, especially in certain professions and elite sports.
These people could need an extra supply of this vitamin that could be obtained through supplements in the form of capsules or tablets. Riboflavin can be taken alone or with vitamin B multisuplement (This vitamin works best in combination with other B vitamins). The amounts of this vitamin Contained in these supplement usually range between 30 and 100 mg. It is best to take them during meals to enhance absorption.
Zinc for oily skin
Zinc has proved very useful for keeping a healthy skin. A zinc deficiency is responsible for many acne symptoms such as oily skin. Foods rich in zinc are celery, asparagus, borage, figs, potatoes, eggplant, walnuts, etc.
Fatty food for oily skins
Fatty food is not suitable in the oily skin diet. High-fat foods increase the fat content of the skin and lead to oily skin. A low- fat diet is recommended.
Related information: Oily skin masks, oily skin tonics, types of skin
More information about oily skin and its natural treatment.