Lemon diet to lose weight

Slimming lemon diet menus


Fourth day
Before breakfastThe juice of 1 squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
Breakfast1 peach and a skim yogurt without added sugar and a tablespoon of wheat germ.
Mid morningA glass of soy drink. One slice of whole wheat bread with two tablespoons of vegetable pate.
LunchFried rice with leeks. Tofu with mushrooms.

Pears with ginger. Infusion of a teaspoon of dried nettle into a cup of water, without added sugar.

SnackA glass of fruit juice (orange, strawberry, peach, grape) Two whole biscotti with fresh cheese.
DinnerChickpeas sautéed with spinach. Fig cake. Infusion of a teaspoon of chamomile in a cup of water, without added sugar.
Fifth day
Before breakfastThe juice of 1 squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
Breakfast100 g of cherries. A toast of whole wheat bread with pear
Mid morningA glass of skim milk. 2 biscottes of whole wheat bread with two tablespoons of avocado.
LunchArtichokes stuffed with cheese. White beans with 50 g of tofu. A kiwi. Infusion of a teaspoon of dried dandelion into a cup of water, without added sugar.
SnackSkim yogurt with crushed hazelnuts and a tablespoon of brewer’s yeast. Infusion of a teaspoon of nettle into a cup of water, without added sugar.
DinnerSalad of carrot and tomato.

An apple baked and a glass of soy.

Sixth day
Before breakfastThe juice of 1 squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
Breakfast150 g of raspberries. The juice of ½ squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water. A nonfat yogurt with a tablespoon of soy lecithin.
Mid morningA glass of soy drink. 2 biscottes of whole wheat bread with two tablespoons of avocado.
LunchWatercress meal with eggplant tortilla. Pear jam. Infusion of a teaspoon of dried dandelion into a cup of water, without added sugar.
SnackSkim yogurt with four walnuts. Infusion of a teaspoon of chamomile in a cup of water, without added sugar.
DinnerMixed salad with tofu. Unsweetened yogurt without added sugar.


* Related information: Lemon cure

*More information:

Lemon juice properties

– Lemon nutritional composition

Is lemon alkaline or acidic?

Lemon for weight loss

– How to eat lemons

Lemon on an empty stomach

Infusion of lemon and honey

Lemon essential oil

punto rojo More information on lemon.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 August, 2024

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