Lemon diet contraindications

Adverse effects of fasts eating a lot of lemon


Who can perform the diet of lemons? Contraindications

The lemon cure diet is recommended for anyone who is not sick. Anyone with an illness should consult the doctor first.

  • Lemon juice is not suitable for infants. Young children do not tolerate too acidic juices, including lemon juice.

  • Pregnant or breastfeeding women should not start a diet without prior medical advice or by a properly qualified dietitian.

Does lemon cure produce acidity?

Photo of half lemon

Photo of half lemon

The cure of lemon is not recommended for some people who tolerate poorly the lemon juice and acids, which can harm them by producing gastric acidity.

However, there are different studies that demonstrate the role of lemon juice in the healing of gastric ulcer and in the decrease of acidity.

In any case, people with these problems should start with smaller amounts (diluted in a glass of water) and gradually increase them to check their personal tolerance.

* More information: Lemon for acidity and stomach ulcer

Lemon essential oils

Lemon juice contains phototoxic-irritating essential oils, producing reactions to those exposed to heavy doses of ultraviolet (those that are going to perform activities in high mountains).

Among these reactions we find pustules in the lips or dermatitis in those external parts of the body that have come in contact with the juice, produced by the phototoxic components.

It is therefore convenient not to drink lemon juice if we are going to be exposed to very strong radiations or people who are hypersensitive or allergic to their components. 

Lemon cure for teeth

Too much lemon juice can be dangerous to your teeth because it attacks the dental plaque and may yellow it.

A good solution to reduce the contact of this acidic juice with the teeth is to drink it by helping us with a straw and do not forget that it should always be diluted in water in a maximum proportion of 50%.

  • You have to avoid having too much lemon juice in your mouth. 

* Related information: Lemon cure

Menus for the lemon diet

If this diet is to be carried out, we propose a series of very useful menus to follow with the lemon diet.

*More information:

Lemon juice properties

Is lemon alkaline or acidic?

Lemon for weight loss

Lemon on an empty stomach

Infusion of lemon and honey

Lemon essential oil

punto rojoMore information on lemon

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 January, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.