Lemon detoxifying diet


Seventh day
Before breakfastThe juice of 1 squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
Breakfast1 apple and a skim yogurt without added sugar and a tablespoon of wheat germ.
Mid morningA glass of milk with brewer’s yeast and whole grains. The juice of ¾ squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
LunchZucchini with carrots and sauteed tofu. Slice of whole wheat bread with tomatoes and garlic. 2 apricots. Infusion of a teaspoon of dried nettle into a cup of water, sweetened with a spoonful of honey or whole sugar.
SnackSkim yogurt with almonds. Infusion of a teaspoon of pennyroyal in a cup of water, without added sugar.
DinnerMushroom salad with seitan. Unsweetened yogurt without added sugar.
Eighth day
Before breakfastThe juice of 1 squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
BreakfastA glass of soy drink with muesli. A toast of whole wheat bread with pear jam.
Mid morning1 apple. A nonfat yogurt with a spoonful of brewer’s yeast. The juice of 1 squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
LunchLentils with spinach and 50 g of cottage cheese. Two mandarins. Infuse a teaspoon of dried dandelion into a cup of water, without added sugar.
Snack2 slices of whole wheat bread with 2 tablespoons of avocado. Infusion of a teaspoon of nettle into a cup of water, without added sugar.
DinnerTortilla with asparagus. A low-fat yogurt with whole-wheat sugar and three almonds.
Ninth day
Before breakfastThe juice of 1 squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
Breakfast1 apple and a skim yogurt without added sugar and a spoonful of soy lecithin.
Mid morning2 slices of whole grain bread with two tablespoons of vegetable pate. The juice of ½ squeezed lemon mixed with the same amount of warm water.
LunchMixed salad of black beans. Rice pudding. Infusion of a teaspoon of dried chamomile in a cup of water, without added sugar.
SnackMilk and fruit shake (orange, strawberry, peach, grape). 5 hazelnuts.
DinnerGarlic soup with grilled seitan. Unsweetened yogurt without added sugar. Infusion of a teaspoon of pennyroyal in a cup of water, without added sugar.


* Related information: Lemon cure

*More information:

Lemon juice properties

– Lemon nutritional composition

Is lemon alkaline or acidic?

Lemon for weight loss

– How to eat lemons

Lemon on an empty stomach

Infusion of lemon and honey

Lemon essential oil

punto rojo More information on lemon

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 August, 2024

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"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.