How to satisfy your hunger

Remedies to avoid hunger and snacking between meals

How not to eat so much, remedies to not be hungry

Why do we feel the need to snack between meals?

Eating very sugary foods satiates you momentarily, and then makes you hungrier

Many people feel the need to snack on something sweet, salty or a snack between meals. This habit of eating outside the established hours may be due to different causes.

People who are obese or want to lose weight may see their weight loss diet frustrated by this bad habit.

The need to eat between meals is mainly due to two reasons:

  • An inadequate diet
  • Personal anxiety

The following article discusses these two reasons and proposes solutions and remedies to avoid snacking between meals:

Incorrect diets that make you snack between meals

Food intake should be balanced in terms of quantities and food groups.

People need to eat the right foods that provide the calories needed to compensate for those their metabolism needs.

The feeling of hunger occurs because the brain detects low levels of glucose in the blood. This happens mainly for two reasons:

  • Our diet provides very few calories compared to what we consume.
  • The type of food we eat is not correct, regardless of the calories it provides.

In case of eating too few calories: In the case of strict diets in which meals provide fewer calories than necessary, it is normal for the body to detect low sugar levels and stimulate us to eat more due to the feeling of hunger. This group may include protein diets, Dukan, Atkins Montignac, dissociated diet, etc.

Other low-calorie diets may contain foods that are not suitable for keeping hunger at bay. Thus, for example, when we eat foods rich in simple carbohydrates (sugar), although they contain many calories that leave us satisfied at the time of eating, they are quickly assimilated by the body.

In this way, after a while of eating, this type of food is burned very quickly or stored as body fat. Again, our brain detects that blood glucose levels are low and stimulates us to feel hungry.

This is usually the case when you eat too much sugar, honey, sweets, cakes, industrial juices, candy, pastries made from refined flour or other foods rich in simple carbohydrates.

Personal anxiety states that produce hunger and food cravings

Quitting smoking may lead to an increased need to snack between meals

Stress, nervousness or anxiety increase the level of adrenaline in the body, which leads to an increase in basal metabolism. The body burns more glucose than necessary and, since it is not available in the blood, there is a feeling of hunger.

This type of situation is very common in anxious people who eat compulsively, in people who have recently quit smoking, in people subjected to stressful situations at work or in the family, etc.

Many cases of obesity are due to these circumstances in which a person eats more than this person should because of anxiety problems.

How to avoid snacking between meals?

In the case of people who consume fewer calories than necessary, the only way to avoid feeling hungry is to review the diet to introduce foods that can make up for this lack of calories. A good dietician, nutritionist or nutritionist is the most appropriate person to advise you in this regard.

It’s normal to get hungry between meals when you consume fewer calories than you need. If you want to lose weight, some of the resources mentioned below may be helpful.

Foods that satisfy hunger

Muesli recipe: It provides a lot of satiety and is a highly nutritious recipe

People who feel satisfied after eating, but after a while feel hungry and need to eat should change the type of food they eat. They should minimize foods rich in simple carbohydrates and increase complex carbohydrates.

These nutrients are assimilated slowly, so they keep blood sugar levels stable for longer.

Another tip is to eat foods rich in fiber, along with plenty of water. Fibers, together with water, increase their volume, producing satiety that keeps the appetite satisfied for hours. (It is essential to drink plenty of water).

Some of the foods rich in fiber are nuts, dried fruit or fresh fruit.

Foods with complex carbohydrates are whole plant foods, such as whole grains (rice, wheat, oats, corn, etc.) and their derivatives (whole wheat bread, oat flakes, corn flour, etc.); vegetables (chard, lettuce, spinach, watercress, etc.) and legumes (lentils, soybeans, beans, chickpeas, etc.).

  • When we eat foods rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber, it is easier to stay full for longer and we do not have as much need to eat between meals.

Fruits (apples, pears, peaches, apricots, etc.) although they contain many simple carbohydrates, such as fructose, are also recommended since they also contain other components such as vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Tricks to cheat hunger

People who are very anxious, nervous, those who quit smoking and, in general, those who eat compulsively should treat their anxiety to avoid this tendency.

*See more information: Remedies for anxiety

In addition to proper treatment, we can mention a series of tricks to help overcome these moments when our body feels the need to snack on some food. Many of these suggestions are equally valid for those people who are on a weight loss or slimming diet, where it is quite common to feel hungry between meals.

We can mention the following:

  • Drink a glass of water when you feel hungry. You can add the juice of half a lemon, which, without adding practically any calories, will increase your daily intake of vitamin C.
  • Drink an infusion of diuretic or sedative plants. Do not drink coffee, tea or cola drinks.
  • celery
    Celery is very diuretic and has sedative properties. Some people chew celery between meals when they feel hungry or craving to eat

    Eat a few bites of carrot, watermelon, mango, apple or pear.

  • Drink preparations of psyllium seeds in water. (One teaspoon per glass of water left to sit overnight. Three glasses a day between meals maximum).
  • Eat a couple of plums.
  • Eat a couple of apricots.
  • Eat a yogurt. You can add flax seeds, oat bran or chia seeds.
  • Eat a whole wheat toast with low-fat cheese.
  • Take a spirulina preparation.
  • Eat some oatmeal soaked in water.
  • Eat some unsalted pumpkin seeds.
  • Make gelatin with agar agar.
  • Take glucomannan capsules. (500 – 1,500 mg capsules, take according to the instructions on the package insert. 30 minutes before meals with 2 glasses of water).
  • Take fucus.
  • Stevia infusion.

punto rojo More information on Natural treatment for obesity and plants and diets for weight loss

*Related posts:

Avoid craving to eat

– Food craving characteristics

– Remedies for craving to eat

– What is appetite?

Characteristics of craving to eat

A dish to avoid being hungry between meals

Medicinal plants to diminish your appetite

– Medicinal plants to increase your appetite

– Plant-based low fat diet

What is fat?

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 August, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.