Recipe and nutritional benefits of falafel
What is falafel?
Falafel is a type of croquette of Hindu origin that is usually made in the kitchen of India, Pakistan or in the Middle East, especially in Lebanon and Turkey.
It is usually made with chickpeas, but sometimes beans or peas are added.
The most common is to make falafels only with chickpeas, especially in Western countries, where this recipe is increasingly popular.
Properties of falafel
At a nutritional level, falafel is a food rich in proteins, derived from legumes, and fats, from frying.
If a quality oil is used for frying, part of the healthy components of the oil will pass to the falafel.
Falafel ready to be eaten
Ingredients of falafel
- 800 g of raw chickpeas.
- 2 onions.
- 2 cloves of garlic.
- 2 eggs.
- 2 tablespoons flour.
- Peanut oil.
- Olive oil.
- Lemon juice.
- 1 teaspoon cumin.
- Salt
- Ground black pepper.
- Cayenne pepper.
Preparation of falafel
Photo texture of the falafel once cooked as this recipe
- Mash the beans and onion in a blender.
- Pour two beaten eggs in the crushed mass, two tablespoons of flour, garlic, cumin and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Remove all very well and add a little salt and black pepper chopped at will.
- Form croquettes with the dough, using your hands. For the dough does not stick to your hands, you should sprinkle flour over them.
- Put the croquettes on a tray. Place them separately from each other.
- Place a pan on the stove. Add three to four fingers of peanut oil and heat it to the maximum.
- When hot, fry the croquettes wit the oil covering roughly half of the croquettes. Leave fry without stirring for 1 minute. Then, turn them over to fry the other side.
- As you take out the fried croquettes from the oil, put them on a tray covered with paper towels to absorb the excessive oil. Leave croquettes uncovered so as them not to become too soft.
Ways to serve falafel
Serve hot as a starter.
Whenever fried foods are consumed, they must be accompanied by foods rich in vitamin C, such as a fruit salad, a fruit salad or at least squeezed lemon.
For example, together with the croquettes or falafel, lemon, pepper and aromatic herbs are served so that each guest can season them to their liking.
* Related information:
– Egg yolk
More recipes and information on chickpeas.