Herbal treatment for epilepsy
Official or alternative treatment for epilepsy?
Any type of action requires an evaluation by a physician or neurologist officer, who must apply the appropriate antiepileptic drugs, and only the physician is entitled to withdraw these drugs and replace them or support them with alternative treatments.
Natural treatments for Epilepsy
The following set of treatments constitutes an aid in the official treatment of epilepsy. We must take into account that any of the treatments mentioned below must be carried out together with the administration of antiepileptic drugs and in mutual agreement with the doctor or specialist.
Reducing stress can be very beneficial for epilepsy
Supplements for the treatment of epilepsy
The main supplements that can help in the natural treatment of epilepsy include the following:
- Amino acids: The application of some amino acid supplements such as taurine and gammaaminobutyric acid can help increase the anticonvulsant components of our body. (Consult your physician or the amount that is required of them)
- Vitamin B: The use of large doses of vitamin B, especially vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) appears to be effective in reducing seizures. (Check with your doctor or the amount that is required of them)
- Magnesium: Some studies seem to show that magnesium deficiency facilitates the development of epileptic seizures. Supplementation of this mineral may help reduce the attacks.
Are medicinal plants suitable for treating epilepsy?
Phytotherapy may be appropriate and medicinal plants can be used in the treatment of epilepsy. Thus, for example, Ayurvedic medicine uses angelica, or arnica for nervous system disorders, especially in the treatment of epilepsy.
Holly, poppy or anise teas have been used to treat this disorder by Western herbal medicine
Nevertheless, you have to take into account that the “official” antiepileptic medicines are safer and more effective in this case.
Food for epilepsy
Recently, it has been pointed out the importance of a good diet in the prevention and treatment of epilepsy. Particular emphasis is given to dispense with certain “foods” or “stimulants” that could induce to epileptic attacks, such as coffee, tea, sugar and artificial sweeteners like saccharin or aspartame.
Of all the diets, the “keto diet or ketogenic diet ” is considered to be more interesting in the treatment of epilepsy. (See diet for epilepsy)
More information on epilepsy.