Disadvantages of a vegetarian diet

Disadvantages of being vegetarian

Inappropriate types of vegetarian diets

As clear examples of inadequate vegetarian diets, we could point out the following ones:

  • Diets, when nutrition is based largely on consumption of unhealthy occasional food.

For example, diets based on pastries, cookies, etc..

  • Diets too much focused on one food group: Other unbalanced vegetarian diets are those where you eat too much of only one food group.

For example, a diet consisting on eating 90% fruit, leaving only 10% to cover all the other nutrients that the fruit does not provide.

  • Diets when one virtually eliminates the consumption of a food group and nutrients which are not substituted in any other way.

For example, if we eliminate animal protein, but we do not bring any food rich in vegetable protein as a substitute.

What are the main disadvantages of being vegetarian?

Eating an ice-cream

Eating a lot of sugared food is not healthy, either in a vegetarian or non-vegetarian diet

The errors are not necessarily representative exclusively among vegetarian people.

A vegetarian diet, as in any type of diet, can cause nutritional deficiencies and errors, if you do not pay enough attention the food you eat.

A vegetarian diet is never healthy is there is some deficiency in some nutrient, missing, for example, an essential amino acids, vitamins or minerals.

Special situations for considering not to be vegetarian

There are some situations when it is not recommended to perform a strict vegetarian, vegan or even a more restrictive diet, unless you provide additional supplementation to cover nutrient deficiencies.

We refer to the following situations:

* Related Information:

punto rojo More information on vegetarianism.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

31 August, 2022

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