How to feed oneself during the treatment of anemia
How to prevent anemia with suitable food?
The main characteristic of the lack of iron is the fatigue and weakness that the person experiences and that can make their daily life difficult.
Following a diet for anemia will help replenish the deficit of this mineral and help the body regain its vitality.
Anemia is caused primarily by a lack of iron or poor absorption of this component.
What is recommended to raise the lack of iron?
One of the recommendations that are usually given for anemia is “to eat a lot of meat because it has a lot of iron”, a dietetic advice that is very simplistic and insufficient to recover from this affectation.
As we will see throughout this article, not all meat is rich in iron, there are foods richer in iron than meat, and in addition, there are also other factors that are very important to take into account in feeding for anemia.
Natural treatment of anemia
Pumpkin seeds added to a dish. All people with anemia should add one or two teaspoons of seeds in their meals
The first step in the treatment of anemia is a correct diagnosis and to treat the cause that produces this alteration.
Anemia is mainly caused by a lack of iron, which may be due to excessive losses of iron or blood (too heavy menstruation, bleeding, digestive ulcers, etc.) or due to a malabsorption of this component (intestinal diseases, etc. ). Other times, the lack of iron can be related to problems of infections or inflammatory processes. It will always be necessary to consult with a doctor to determine a diagnosis and perform an appropriate treatment.
How the diet for anemia should be?
Anemia should be treated with an energy and nutritious diet, rich in proteins, foods that contain a lot of iron and vitamins of group B. In addition, it will be of great help to provide the body with medicinal plants to accompany the treatment of anemia.
Once the body is under this disease, it is possible that the food is not sufficiently effective to cure the anemia and that it will be necessary to use an iron supplement.
* Go on reading:
- Types of iron for anemia
- Food rich in iron for anemia
- Bad food for anemia
- Is it enough to eat iron-rich food to avoid anemia?
- Tea and coffee for anemia
- Beet for anemia
More information on anemia.