Food for colon cancer
How to prepare an adapted diet
To determine an adapted diet to the needs of each patient, we must first keep in mind, what characteristics will present depending on the affected area, taking into account the type of surgery that has been performed:
– Table of the general nutritional characteristics, after the different surgeries in colon cancer.
Scheduled diets
Diets prescribed following colon surgery should provide the patient with:
- A reduction in intestinal elimination rate (stop diarrhea), to avoid excessive losses of water, electrolytes, etc. Which can lead to dehydration of the patient and hyponatremia (decrease of sodium in the blood) with consequent hypotension (dizziness due to lowering of tension).
- Increased consistency of fecal matter (feces), through the ingestion of food easily digestible, easy to absorb and with astringent characteristics.
- A decrease in stool volume, since the rate of intestinal transit will be increased, to reestablish this rate, to decrease the amount of stool, the times to go to the bathroom (frequency) and, therefore, to improve the quality of Life of the patient.
- Progressive vegetarian diet of postoperative, with reintroduction of food and example of menu.
– List of food to avoid and suitable alternatives
Guidelines for proper feeding
The following table emphasizes the importance of adequate nutrition, followed by guidelines to be avoided and strengthened, so that the nutrition of the colon cancer patient is the best and most adequate.
– List of guidelines for proper nutrition in colon cancer.
Advised and discouraged food for colon cancer
In the table below, food and non-food items are specified according to the food group to which they belong, so that the nutrition of the colon cancer patient is the best and most adequate.
– Table of the different food groups, allowed, occasional consumption or to avoid.
* Related information:
– Colon cancer diet in case or surgery
– Colon cancer vegetarian menu
More information on colon cancer.