Cirrhosis plant-based diet

Importance of food for cirrhosis

Food has a major role in the treatment of cirrhosis since it can prevent it to happen or avoid further damage to the liver. It is important for the patient to consult a dietitian which is the most appropriate diet to follow.

The following dietary tips should be taken into account:


Alcoholic liver disease cirrhosis

Alcoholic drinks are completely prohibited in the patient of cirrhosis or any disease that may affect the liver. In many cases alcohol is responsible for developing this disease.

Alcohol is detrimental to cirrhotic patients because it contributes to the destruction of liver cells, so this organ is is incapable of performing the appropriate body functions such as synthesizing vitamins or minerals. Alcohol is the main enemy of the liver.

Other toxic not recommended in the diet of patients with cirrhosis are tobacco and coffee

Processed foods and cirrhosis

Processed foods are not very suitable for liver health. These foods contain many preservatives or colorants that liver must remove so that its condition may be deteriorated.

High- fat diet and cirrhosis

Patient with cirrhosis find it very difficult to digest fats. Nutrition of people with cirrhosis should include small amounts of high- fat foods, such as fatty meats, butter, margarine, whole milk or dairy products.

Precooked and packaged foods usually contain lots of fat, so they are not recommended.

It is important for fats not to be fried or reheated. Very roasted, grilled or broiled food, generates a series of toxins that the liver must eliminate, especially acroleins. A diseased liver is unable to eliminate them, and becomes worse with the presence of these substances.

Hydrogenated fats (trans fatty acids), such as margarine, should not be eaten because they are very thick fats. They raise levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and lower levels of “good” HDL cholesterol.

Sugary foods and cirrhosis

Eating plenty of foods rich in refined sugars leads to increasing fat and cholesterol. Equally the use of artificial sweeteners impairs the diseased liver.



It is recommended a diet rich in vegetables, such as artichokes

Cirrhosis diet advices to consider

Avoid heavy meals: Heavy meals compel the liver to make an extra work, so eating too much is counterproductive and can worsen this disease. It’s better to eat often and in small amounts than eating a lot in fewer meals. A person with cirrhosis should eat four or five light meals a day.

Avoid reusing food: Cooking more food than necessary to reuse it in another meals can be the cause of the food contamination with microorganisms. It is best to cook the needed quantities without any leftovers. Reheating foods is a bad habit that does not provide any benefit to the liver.

Avoid eating raw or undercooked animal foods: Eating raw or undercooked food from animal origin such as raw fish or raw or undercooked shellfish, is inadequate for cirrhosis patients. This food may contain microorganisms that can damage the liver. As a mater of fact, this type of nutrition is very dangerous for everybody, even not being liver sick, because it is often the cause of hepatitis.

More information cirrhosis and its natural treatment.

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

10 March, 2024

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