- 1 Menu for kidney failure
- 1.2 How is a strict diet for kidney failure?
- 1.3 Recommendations for advanced renal railure
- 1.4 Steps to remove potassium from vegetables
- 1.6 Weekly diet example of menu for advanced renal insufficiency
- 1.7 Doubts about diet for chronic kidney disease
Menu for kidney failure
How is a strict diet for kidney failure?
The following is a diet for advanced chronic kidney disease. That is, a menu where the amount of protein, phosphorus, sodium and potassium in the diet is restricted.
Not all people with kidney failure should follow guidelines as strict as those on the menu on this page. The rigidity of the recommendations should be according to the stage of the disease. (See more details)
Recommendations for advanced renal railure
General recommendations in advanced chronic renal failure:
- All vegetable foods will have to be treated to remove their potassium content. To eliminate the potassium one has to peel, to cut up to dice, to soak for 1 hour, to change the soaking water and to boil.
- *In addition, it is convenient to boil potatoes twice, due to their high content of potassium,.
- *Due to this procedure, it is necessary to prepare the vegetables and fruit the day before eating it (peeling, chopping and soaking, changing the soak water and leaving it overnight)
- *A food chopping machine can help make the process less laborious
- Diet without added salt. You can not use herbs (high in potassium)
- Oil macerated with aromatic herbs can be used to give flavor
- Protein control: the amount of meat, cheese and fish consumed should be reduced. It is important to weigh the amounts, especially at the beginning, to familiarize yourself with the rations. Eggs are a good protein food source for a main meal (take in rations of 1 egg).
- Avoid processed meats: cold meats, red meat and sausages
- Important to avoid tobacco, alcohol and soda
- You must decrease fruit consumption to reduce potassium in the diet
- It is recommended to walk an hour a day
The diet for advanced chronic renal failure is strict. To facilitate the information, a list of permitted foods has been drawn up.
Steps to remove potassium from vegetables
This process has to be done with potatoes, legumes, fruits and vegetables:
- Wash, peel and chop the fruit, potato or vegetables (carrot, zucchini, squash,…)
- Soak with plenty of water 12 hours. Change the soaking water and resoak overnight with plenty of water (minimum 12 hours)
- Preferably, boil and discard the broth. Then, it can be added to recipes: Stir fried onions, grilled vegetables, vegetable stews, sautéed, tortillas, scrambled, baked apples, etc.
- POTATO: Change the water 23 times and boil twice
- LEGUMES: minimum 36 h soaking (changing the water. Do not use bicarbonate)
- Everything, the more soaking and boiling, the better. It can be flavored with oil
Two bread toasts with spreads and jam
Or Cream of white rice (50g in raw) with 100ml of milk semi and / or with 2cp. of marmalade, and / or with oil (this option has less protein than the previous one)
Apple * Baked or Pear * Boiled (without liquid),
Or Apple * grated and with previous soaking, with 1cp. of honey
Or apple compote * (as there is little apple, mix the compote with white rice and add a little oil)
Two bread toast with oil and 35g of Burgos cheese
Or cottage cheese (70g) with honey
– Protein content: 55 g approx.
Pasta (90g) seasoned with herbal oil
80g boiled salmon
Lettuce salad * with oil
White rice (90g), sautéed with 40g poached onion *
And with herbal oil
Omelette (1 egg) of 100g eggplant *
– Protein content: 70 g approx.
Rice salad (50g) and lentils * (50g), with chopped tomato (80g) *, onion * (20g) and herbal oil
150g. Of carrot * grated with honey
Grilled vegetables (150g pepper *, 150g eggplant *, do not take the liquid)
100g grilled chicken with 4 drops of lemon
3 bread toast (unsalted) with oil
– Protein content: 65 g approx.
Green beans * (150 g) with potato * (200 g)
100g. Fried anchovy (in virgin oil) with 4 drops of lemon
Vegetable puree (200g pumpkin *, 50g onion *, drain practically all the broth, containing potassium)
Tortilla (1 egg)
2 biscotti type toast with spreads
– Protein content: 55 g approx.
Salad of 200g potatoes * (long soak and 3 bakings) with carrots * (50g), peas * (20g) and 1 egg hard
Chopped asparagus * sautéed with ½ garlic (100g)
Grilled hake (100g) with 20g oil
3 bread toast with oil
– Protein content: 55 g approx.
Rice (100g) with carrot * and onion *
Half golden baked (100g) with 100g of tomato * (100g)
Cauliflower * (100g) with potato * (200g) and tomato (50g)
Tortilla (1 egg)
1 bread toast with herbal oil
– Protein content: 65 g approx.
Chickpeas * (25g raw) with 50g chicken and 30g onion *
Salad * (150g)
1 slice pineapple (syrup) in syrup (without juice)
White rice * (100g) sautéed with pepper * (100g),
And onion * (40g) 100g grilled chicken
– Protein content: 74 g approx.
White rice (100g) sautéed with eggplant * (50g), pepper * (50g) and onion * (30g)
100% homemade hamburger (100g chicken boiled and chopped with 50g semolina to thicken, and sofrito of 50g pepper *, 30g carrot * and 30g onion *. aromatic herbs…)
Zucchini puree * (200g zucchini *, 50g onion *)
2 Biscots with light cheese spread
Exceptional: 100g cottage cheese with honey
* = Vegetable foods should always be pre-soaked: peel, chop and soak for at least 12 hours to remove the potassium they contain. SALADS: Slice thinly and change the soaking water more times. POTATO: Slice fine, soak and boil 2-3 times. VEGETABLES: at least 36 hours of soaking are recommended (changing water 3-4 times) In the every day calculated protein content, it has been counted the foods present in breakfast, mid-morning and snack. |
Doubts about diet for chronic kidney disease
How much liquid can a person with CRF drink? How should potassium be removed? What foods have more potassium?… Botanical-online has developed a detailed guide to explain all dietary information in the chronic renal patient, in order to solve doubts and facilitate access to a proper diet.
It is recommended that you consult with your doctor any dietary changes that will be made:
*More information:
– List of good and bad food for chronic kidney disease
– Chronic kidney disease proteins
– How much can you drink in chronic kidney failure?
– How to eliminate dietary phosphorus for kidney failure
– How to remove potassium from food
– Supplements for chronic kidney failure
More information on kidney disease diet guide an other kidney diseases.