How to know how many calories we burn while doing physical activities
Many people ask themselves:
How many calories are burnt with sport?
What is the sport which burns more calories?
Cycling or “steps” are better for losing weight?
How many calories are burned with golf?
Playing marbles also burns calories?
To answer these questions we dispose of tables of calories. Basically, they consist of a pair of columns to expose the activity and the calories consumed during a certain time to a certain weight.
There are many tables of calories where you can find answers to these questions, although most of these tables serve only for a certain weight (usually for an average weight of 70 kg) and a certain time (usually 60 minutes)
This requires calculations to fit the particular weight of each person and the exact time being physically active.
Table of calories “burned” during physical activities
A concrete example would be the following table:
Table of calories that we spent while we do sport activities (For a person of about 70 kg during 60 minutes) | |
Aerobics (little effort) | 350 calories |
Aerobics (average effort) | 455 calories |
Aerobics (high effort) | 490 calories |
Aqua-gym | 287 calories |
Badminton (Not competitively) | 315 calories |
Badminton (Competitively) | 490 calories |
Dance (classic Dances divertimento – samba, tango, waltz, chachachá, etc) | 210 calories |
Dancing (popular Dance country, polka, etc) | 315 calories |
Dancing (modern Dances – twist, jazz, swing etc) | 336 calories |
Dancing (Fast ballroom dances) | 385 calories |
Dancing (Fast discotheque dances) | 452 calories |
Billiards (playing billiards) | 175 calories |
Handball (not competitively) | 560 calories |
Playing handball (competitively) | 840 calories |
Basketball (playing basketball with a ball informally kicks a field goal, etc) | 310 calories |
Playing basketball (playing basketball in wheelchairs) | 410 calories |
Playing basketball (playing basketball not competitively) | 420 calories |
Playing basketball (playing basketball competitively) | 560 calories |
Bobsleigh | 490 calories |
Bowling (bowling) | 210 calories |
Boxing (training with the bag) | 420 calories |
Boxing (as a sparring) | 620 calories |
Boxing (boxing in the ring) | 840 calories |
Diving (free diving) (moderate Effort) | 875 calories |
Diving (free diving) (concerted Effort) | 1120 calories |
Diving (assisted snorkeling – scuba diving) (not competitive) | 490 calories |
Marbles (to play marbles) | 350 calories |
Race (to run 8 km hour) | 560 calories |
Race (to run 9.5 km hour) | 700 calories |
Race (to run 10.5 km hour) | 750 calories |
Race (to run 11 km hour) | 805 calories |
Race (to run 13 km hour) | 945 calories |
Race (to run 14 km hour) | 980 calories |
Race (to run 14 ‘ 5 km hour) | 1050 calories |
Race (to run 16 km hour) | 1120 calories |
Race (to run 17 ‘ 5 km hour) | 1260 calories |
Steeplechase | 700 calories |
Hurdle race | 700 calories |
Hunting (On the lookout, duck, ouzel, wild boar etc) | 175 calories |
Hunting (bow) | 175 calories |
Hunting (general: rabbit, hare, quail, etc) | 350 calories |
Hunting (big game in search of prey, deer, moose) | 420 calories |
Calorie calculator
More effective than calorie table is the calorie calculator, which lets you check how many calories a person spend doing the activities according to the exact weight of that person and in real time. Through it, we know, for example, how many calories a 84 kg person spends if he/she are playing football with his/her friends for 35 minutes, or how many calories does a goalkeeper consumes in a football match.
Check the calorie calculator to see how many calories you can spend according to your weight and the time of physical activity in many more activities
More information on the metabolism