Buckwheat crepes – Botanical online

Buckwheat crepes



“Panqueques, Galettes de sarrasin

(Food without gluten)

Ingredients (for 8-12 pancakes):

– 1 and ½ cups buckwheat flour

– One tablespoon of salt

– A glass (200ml) of cold water

– 1 egg

Olive oil to cook the cake


– Mix the flour and salt.

– Gradually add buckwheat flour until dough is smooth and thick.

– Mix the egg.

– Let stand 1 to 2 hours in the refrigerator or cooler.

– Preheat a pan with diameter of at least 30cm, with olive oil and spread with the help of a halved potato or paper.

– With the help of a ladle, pour the contents into the pan. It should be well distributed and thin crust.

– Cook 1 minute and turn it around. Cook the reverse also about 1 minute until a tan.


A great gluten-free mass, ideal for people with celiac disease. You can prepare a delicious pancake with chopped herbs (parsley, garlic, dill,…) mixed with cheese, or smoked tofu to have more flavor.

punto rojoMore recipes and information about buckwheat

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

23 August, 2021

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