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“Panqueques, Galettes de sarrasin“
(Food without gluten)
Ingredients (for 8-12 pancakes):
– 1 and ½ cups buckwheat flour
– One tablespoon of salt
– A glass (200ml) of cold water
– 1 egg
– Olive oil to cook the cake
– Mix the flour and salt.
– Gradually add buckwheat flour until dough is smooth and thick.
– Mix the egg.
– Let stand 1 to 2 hours in the refrigerator or cooler.
– Preheat a pan with diameter of at least 30cm, with olive oil and spread with the help of a halved potato or paper.
– With the help of a ladle, pour the contents into the pan. It should be well distributed and thin crust.
– Cook 1 minute and turn it around. Cook the reverse also about 1 minute until a tan.
A great gluten-free mass, ideal for people with celiac disease. You can prepare a delicious pancake with chopped herbs (parsley, garlic, dill,…) mixed with cheese, or smoked tofu to have more flavor.
More recipes and information about buckwheat