Infusions of common linden for cold, bronchitis or flu
How do we make a tea infusion for respiratory diseases?
The infusion of common linden for respiratory diseases is performed by the use of dried flowers, as most infusions are performed. (See how a tea infusion is made / how to make linden tea)
The usual dose is half a teaspoon of dried flowers per cup of water
Which principles of linden or lime herb (Tilia ssp.) are suitable for respiratory diseases?

The main components against colds, flu, cough or bronchitis are:
- Vitamin C: antipyretic, antiviral
- Alphapinene: cold, flu, antiviral
- Caffeic acid: cold, flu, antiviral
- Betasitosterol: antipyretic, antiviral, antipyretic
- Eugenol: antipyretic, antiviral, antipyretic
- Hesperidin: cold, flu
- Limonene: cold, flu,
- Tannins: antiviral
- Terpineol: Antitussive
- Quercetin: cold, pharyngitis, influenza, antiviral
How many cups should we drink per day?
We will drink about two or three cups a day. It can be sweetened with honey or sugar.
When is it not appropriate to take linden infusions for respiratory diseases?
Linden does not present contraindications nor side effects (See: properties of common linden)
More information on bronchitis.