Which food to choose for healthy breakfast
Which is the best natural sweet for breakfast?
Neither wholemeal cookies with chocolate, nor cocoa powder for milk, nor chocolate cream to spread on bread, are sweet options suitable for day to day, because they all contain too much sugar. Neither the integral versions of these products (croissants or integral crackers, etc.).
Analyzing the nutritional tables we realize that no vegetable food, neither fruit nor cereal, contains as much sugar as any industrial product, so natural foods are always preferable if we think about health.
Natural fruit for breakfast
That said, the best sugar is the one that the fruits contain. The fruit is very sweet and does not produce the negative effects of refined sugar. As is well known, fruits also provide a lot of fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants.
The best way to eat the fruit is whole, fresh or in compote. For children it is better to give it to them, or if they are not very hungry in the morning, prepare it in a milkshake or inside the porridge, with milk or vegetable drink, almonds, oats, …
Liquefied carrot photo
Are natural juices or fruit juices suitable for breakfast?
Many people usually eat natural orange juice in the morning. In general, it is always much more advisable to consume the whole fruit, because it is when the fruit benefits the most, since its ingestion is slower (the glass of juice ends up in a few sips) and the absorption of sugar is better, since that all the fiber in the fruit is consumed. However, natural juice is not a bad option either.
- Therefore, it is not recommended to drink juices regularly, although there is no problem taking 1 or 2 days a week a natural juice.
One type of juice with little sugar are green juices , which are prepared with 1 apple or other fruit, carrot juice, celery, parsley, spinach, etc. As a note, some people add a spoonful of spirulina powder to the juice in the morning to increase its vitamin content.
Juices are contraindicated in diabetes, when there is obesity or problems of overweight. These situations indicate that there are problems with the metabolism of sugar, so you should avoid juices and consume whole fruits with their fiber.
- In no case are industrial nectars recommended because they are products of low nutritional quality, contain excessive sugar and lack all the benefits of fruits.
What can we use to sweeten the breakfasts?
It is advisable to get used to consuming natural foods, without sweetening. For those having a sweet tooth, a natural sweetener for milk, yogurt or tortillas can be carob, which contains natural sugars (40%) accompanied by a large amount of fiber (40%). You can also sprinkle it on fruit or add to milk.
Another option would be cinnamon powder, with the same indications, or sweeteners in moderation, such as stevia or birch sugar (xylitol).
For non-diabetics, a teaspoon of raw honey may be adequate. Agave syrup, artificial sweeteners and fructose are not recommended.
* Related information:
– How must a breakfast be to be healthy
– Vegetarian breakfast menus low in calories
Characteristics of nutrients
More information on nutrition.