Breakfast for constipation

Milk with cereals for constipation


Properties of sample breakfast for constipation

The following breakfast to avoid constipation is proposed: Fiber cereals with milk and 2 kiwis (Look at the above picture to see an interesting way to serve it)

This breakfast has the following main properties:

  • Milk helps hydrate fiber cereals, which increases the fecal bolus.
  • Kiwis bring more fiber (soluble fiber or regulatory type fiber), and other important nutrients such as vitamin C.
  • It is a full breakfast because it contains the three food groups: milk, cereal and fruit.
  • You can substitute milk for yogurt and so have the benefits of probiotics.

Nutritional composition of breakfast for constipation





Skimmed milk (200 ml.)75,27,80
Wheat bran cereals (25 g.)79,383,38
Kiwi (100 g.)48,50,86
Kiwi (100 g.)48,50,86




Skimmed milk (200 ml.)9,800,40
Wheat bran cereals (25 g.)11,250,88
Kiwi (100 g.)7,800,69
Kiwi (100 g.)7,800,69


Skimmed milk (200 ml.)0
Wheat bran cereals (25 g.)6,88
Kiwi (100 g.)1,80
Kiwi (100 g.)1,80

What kind of breakfast we should take for constipation?

milk with high fiber cereals, and 2 kiwis.Photo of milk with high fiber cereals, and 2 kiwis

How a breakfast for constipation should be

General guidelines for treating constipation are:

  • Diet rich in fiber from grains, fruits and vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water to hydrate the fiber and increase the fecal bolus.
  • Olive oil in the diet to lubricate the intestine.
  • Walk, because it stimulates the bowel movement.

If, despite following the above guidelines, there is still constipation, it is recommended:

  • Add dietary fiber rich foods, such as breakfast cereals rich in fiber, whole grain bread, oatmeal, flaxseed or chia.
  • Foods with probiotics or lactic bacteria such as bifidus yogurt.
  • Pectin and quince paste or baked apple.
  • Devote each day a moment of time to go to the bathroom and create the habit.

Dietary causes of constipation

  • Diets without carbohydrates: Do not eat starch (rice, bread, potatoes, pasta)
  • Little fiber in the diet
  • Fat-free diet: They can contribute to constipation because fats lubricate the bowels and facilitate evacuation.
  • Sedentary habits
  • Stress

Foods producing evacuation but not suitable

Depending on individual tolerance, some foods can cause rapid evacuation, but they are not recommended for the reasons explained below. Among these we have: coffee, tobacco, orange juice and spinach.

These foods stimulate the expulsion of bile, which is irritating to the intestines and causes evacuation movements. According to the person, the effects can be very strong, or in other cases, nonexistent.

The expulsion of much bile irritates the intestines and causes lesions in the intestinal flora, which subsequently hampers to go to the bathroom naturally.

If a person, who drinks coffee or smokes, has an immediate need to go to the bathroom, he/she should better reduce or quit these habits.

More information on constipation recipes and treatment

This article was endorsed by Elisenda Carballido - Dietitian nutritionist. Postgraduate in Phytotherapy and master in Nutrition and Metabolism.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 March, 2025

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.