Best carbohydrates for a healthy breakfast
Importance of carbohydrates in breakfast meal
Breakfast should provide lasting energy for the entire morning and until lunchtime. Therefore, complex carbohydrates are a priority nutrient at breakfast.
Brown rye bread, with long fermentation
Which are the best cereals for breakfast?
The best cereals are whole grains, such as fermented bread, oatmeal flakes, brown rice or corn. Nor is there any rule that prevents us from eating a bit of whole rice with vegetables left over from the previous day, being a perfectly healthy option.
Other options , which are not cereals and perhaps less common at breakfast, are also ideal but equally rich in carbohydrates and healthy: chestnuts, sweet potatoes, cashews, potatoes, hummus, …
- The worst cereals that can be consumed at breakfast are precisely the so-called breakfast cereals, which come extruded, sweetened or with chocolate and flavors
What’s wrong with breakfast cereals?
Breakfast cereals are not recommended because their impact on blood glucose is high, that is, they increase blood sugar a lot (even those that are not sugary), and because they do not have an interesting nutritional value (they contain little protein, little fiber, lots of salt and often a lot of sugar).
Breakfast cereals with milk
Are cereals with vitamins and minerals better?
It is true that breakfast cereals are usually fortified, that is, enriched with vitamins and minerals to increase their nutritional value. However, it is necessary to say that no person needs fortified foods when the diet is complete, since it provides all the necessary nutrients, and in those cases, consuming fortified cereals does not improve the diet. Therefore, vitamins and minerals that contain these products are not necessarily a nutritional advantage.
On the other hand, in an official report of the American Diabetes Association (ADA), it was determined that breakfast cereals have a very high glycemic index and glycemic load. That is, they contain too many carbohydrates (80%) and also these are very fast absorption type, even if they come from cereals.
- All this makes breakfast cereals are not a recommended option or preferably for a good breakfast. They are also totally contraindicated in case of diabetes and obesity.
Are there specific foods for breakfast?
There are no “specific” food groups for breakfast, but rather one more meal of the day, which should be composed of healthy and nutritious foods.
Extruded cereals, biscuits, marmalade, deli meats and sausages, or sliced bread, seem like essential breakfast foods. However, a healthy breakfast can dispense perfectly with these foods and include others much richer in nutrients. The imposition of these products, at present, responds mainly to a marketing issue.
Breakfast in a Southeast Asian country (Sri Lanka) . In many countries it is common to eat tea with milk, eggs, potatoes, rice and beans at breakfast. There are no “specific” food groups for breakfast, but rather one more meal of the day, which should be composed of healthy foods.
Natural foods are better for breakfast
Natural foods have in common that they accompany their content in carbohydrates of a good fiber content and the presence of other nutrients that help the correct absorption of these nutrients. The slow digestion of carbohydrates allows insulin levels to remain stable and allow us to work or study all morning without going hungry.
These foods are very satisfying and allow you to be for hours without feeling hungry. In addition, the negative effects that can occur when consuming refined sugar (biscuits, pastries, chocolate cereals), such as type 2 diabetes (adult diabetes), obesity, heart problems, etc., are avoided.
Oat porridge for breakfast
Fine oat flakes are very suitable for breakfast
Oatmeal porridge is a very healthy breakfast option, both for children and adults. It can be prepared with milk, vegetable drink, or only with water, sweetened with cinnamon, chopped fruit, carob, coconut, raisins or a little honey. Porridge can also be prepared with salty (not sweet) foods, such as cheese, herbs, etc.
Oatmeal is a cereal with a non-negligible amount of protein, provides between 5 and 7 grams of protein per bowl or ration. To compare, a serving of sweetened breakfast cereals provides 1.5 gr of protein.
* Related information:
– How must a breakfast be to be healthy
– Vegetarian breakfast menus low in calories
Characteristics of nutrients
More information on nutrition.