Best type of iron for anemia

Which iron type should people with anemia take?

Types of iron. What type of iron is the best one for anemia?

It has been proved that iron from animal sources is absorbed more easily than is derived from plant sources. While “iron heme, from meat, is absorbed in 30%, ” non heme ” iron from plants, is absorbed only 10%.

In addition to what type of iron each contains, there are components of plant foods that hinder the assimilation of iron. These are fiber, oxalates, phytates, and other types of antinutrients, present especially in wholemeal bread, in wholemeal products with added bran, or in the flours of legumes that are not cooked properly (raw chickpea flour).

How to make better use of iron in food

It has been proven that vitamin C helps improve the absorption of iron that comes from plant sources. Therefore, eating foods rich in vitamin C during meals will help absorb more iron from food.

Nutritionists recommend that one should eat a minimum of 75 mg of vitamin C in each meal (75 mg of vitamin C are found, for example, in a cup of orange juice, pineapple or papaya, in a cup of cabbage or of strawberries).

It is convenient for vegetarians to accompany meals with tomato salads, eat carrots, raw cucumbers, dates, citrus fruits and foods from the group of cabbages such as cabbage, cauliflower, red cabbage, broccoli, arugula, etc.

diet rich in iron for anemia

In the diet for anemia, you have to take foods rich in protein, iron and B vitamins. Iron has to be taken on both plant and animal foods

Other advice to prevent or cure anemia naturally

Sometimes strict vegetarians are advised to cook with cast-iron utensils. Cooking acidic foods in these utensils, such as tomatoes, helps to dissolve the iron and incorporate it into the diet. Acidic foods are also very interesting.

However, it has been shown that vitamin C helps improve the absorption of iron comes from plant sources. Therefore, eating foods rich in vitamin C will help absorb more iron from food.

Nutritionists recommend that we should eat a minimum of 75 mg of vitamin C at every meal (75 mg of vitamin C are found, for example, a cup of orange juice, from pineapple or papaya in a cup of cabbage or of strawberries. in vegetarians should accompany the meal with salads with tomato, to eat crude cucumber, dates, citruses or foods of the group of the cabbages) (More information on rich vitamin C and foods in this vitamin)

Although there is no iron deficiency, the lack of some vitamins prevents iron absorption, as occurs with vitamin B12 or folic acid. Therefore eating foods rich in vitamin B12 or folic acid is one way to prevent anemia.

* Go on reading:

  1. Anemia rich iron food
  2. Food with vitamins for anemia
  3. Bad food for anemia
  4. Is it enough to eat iron-rich food to avoid anemia?
  5. Tea and coffee for anemia
  6. Beet for anemia

punto rojo More information on anemia.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 May, 2021

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