How to improve memory problems with suitable vitamins?
Remedies to favor the recovery of the memory
Supplements, used and supervised by the doctor or specialist, can help to reinforce the treatment of the memory problems.
Among the main supplements we could mention the following:
- Vitamin E: For its antioxidant properties the use of supplemental vitamin E may help reduce the negative impact that free radicals have on neurons. Vitamin E also has positive properties for the movement to hinder the bonding of cholesterol on the arteries. This improves circulation and protects against stroke, including brain, which are often responsible for memory loss. The usual dose is 400 to 800 IU daily)
- Vitamin B1 (Thiamin): Thiamin is the “vitamin of memory.” The brain runs on glucose, so glucose to be absorbed by the body, requires this vitamin. Low levels of thiamine can cause problems of lack of concentration, interest, etc. (The usual dose is 50 to 100 mg daily)
- Vitamin B3 (Niacin): A very important compound for the supply of glucose to the brain as well as conservation of blood vessels. Niacin supplements should only be taken under strict medical supervision. (See characteristics and dosage in the general study of this vitamin)
- Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine): This vitamin improves circulation by decreasing homocysteine levels and contributes to the health of the nervous system. pyridoxine small deficiencies can manifest as nervous system disorders such as nervousness, anxiety, depression, insomnia, etc. Its deficiency is also responsible for mental changes such as memory problems or difficulty in learning. Their use encourages the maintenance of memory in older people. (The usual dose is 40 mg per day divided into two doses)
- Vitamin B9 (Folic acid) Folic acid reduces the risk of stroke. A deficiency of this vitamin causes, among other symptoms, lack of memory. You may need supplementation of folic acid in people with nutritional deficiencies. The usual dose is 400 mcg daily, combined with 1000 mcg of vitamin B12, since folic acid reduces the levels of the latter Vitamin (See more information in the general study)
- Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): It is necessary for the proper functioning of the brain. In general, people do not have deficiencies of this vitamin, although some can occur even in the elderly and in other cases where the ingestion of supplements may be necessary (See more about the subject in the link of this vitamin)
- Fatty acids Omega-3 Improve blood circulation and prevents stroke. The supplements are taken through oil from flaxseed (1 tablespoon a day) or fish oil (3000 mg daily)
- Acetyl L-carnitine: Its use is highly desirable to improve memory in older people. Recent studies have shown that their effects are positive even memory loss from Alzheimer’s. The usual dose is about 1500 mg daily.
Some principles in investigation
Phosphatidylserine?: This component, which is part of the composition of neurons deteriorates over the years. Phosphatidylserine supplements, extracted from the brains of cows, were used to stop the memory loss in older people because of the deterioration that neurons suffer over the years. Its effects are produced by stimulating the release of neurotransmisor mainly acetylcholine.It was found in comparative studies that its use exerted a positive effect in treating depression and their usual intake increases the capacity for thought and memory loss decreases especially in the elderly. The usual dose applied was 300 mg daily in 3 divided doses) This compound is currently only extracted from soy because the occurrence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy or “mad cow disease” led to forbid the removal of the compound from this animal. At present soy phosphatidylserine is used to treat liver diseases (cirrhosis and liver failure) and gallbladder problems (gallstones). Although there are indications that it may improve the memory in cases of Alzheimer’s, its actual effects should be studied further. Melatonin?: It has been suggested that the use of this supplement may help improve the negative effects of Alzheimer’s or could even benefit the movement to increase the elasticity of blood vessels. In fact there are not enough studies on the subject. The use of melatonin has only been proven for use in sleep disorders. In this sense it could help improve memory problems in people whose ability to remember has been diminished by not sleeping. |
More information the natural treatment of memory problems.