How to eat properly in case of AIDS disease
Before talking about the right foods in the diet of AIDS, we must specify that NO diet can be able to get complete immunity against sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and that the best way to avoid them is an adequate prevention.
A balanced diet, rich in natural foods will help boost the immune system , so it will be able to make the body more resistant to infection.
In case of contracting AIDS, a proper diet can complement the ordinary treatments. Still, given the seriousness of this disease, its implications in the global health of the rest of the population, it is necessary to consult a dietitian before embarking on a specific diet.
Foods recommended for AIDS
Diet in the patient of AIDS is very important, in order to slow the symptoms of the disease as much as possible. Moreover, adequate food during this illness will strengthen the immune system to help it to fight against “opportunistic diseases”
The AIDS patient has a deficient diet caused by the low amount of food intake. This is mainly produced by two factors: Firstly, because AIDS patients are little hungry (Drugs that decrease appetite, doldrums, little desire of taking care of meal preparation, mouth sores, etc.) Secondly, because this disease impedes a proper absorption of nutrients (vomiting, diarrhea, general malabsorption of nutrients) All this means that the patient will gradually lose weight and to present a very thin.
In the fight against Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, from the standpoint of plants, it is especially effective a diet rich in natural food containing lots of vitamin C, A, E, beta carotene and lycopene, selenium, zinc and iron. It may also be useful a supplementation containing these elements, as long as the physician consider it interesting.
Vitamins for AIDS
- Vitamin C: It has very suitable antioxidant properties to prevent the number of virus to increase. It can be administered as a supplement, in which case the recommended dose is 6 grams, divided into three doses daily. Among the main foods rich in this vitamin have the peppers Also citruses (oranges, lemons, grapefruits, mandarins, etc.), strawberries, peas, endives, radishes, papayas, melons, eggplants, grape, barley, lettuce, celery, fig tree, pumpkin, mango, beans, peaches, potatoes, soybean, carrots, cherimoyas, plums, apples, corn, etc.
- Vitamin A: In the form of supplements, a dose of 150,000 IU of beta carotene is usually given daily. Vegetable carotenes can be obtained through food, especially beta-carotene, found in many orange, red or yellow food, especially carrot, spinach, watercres, borage,, pumpkin, tomatoes, asparagus, dandelion papayas, endives, barley, pumpkins, chicory, lettuces, celery, cauliflowers,, apples, oats, cashews, mangoes, avocados, peaches, peas, soybean, olives, bananas, cucumbers, strawberries, garlic, grapefruits, pineapple, dates, pears, pistachios, lentils, cashews, beans, etc.
- Vitamin E: It protects cell membranes from oxidation by protecting its fatty acids. A lack of this vitamin appears to be produced by degenerative changes in the cells of some tissues. In this way, vitamin E is interesting in the fight against AIDS by neutralizing the action of free radicals. Taken as a supplement, a daily dose of 800 IU divided into two doses is usually recommended. Vegetables and green vegetables and vegetables rich in oil, are those with more of this vitamin, such as, for example, purslane, the asparagus, the lettuce, the peas, the nuts, wheat germ or sunflower seeds.
- Selenium: It protects tissues from oxidation. It increases the appetite of the sick, and helps make food more digestible. It also acts on the heart problems associated with this disease. The physician must be consulted about the appropriate dosage if taking it as a supplement.. Rich foods in selenium would be: pumpkins, barley, grapes, garlic, oats, peaches, maize, soybean, pistachios, asparagus, spinach, lettuces, bananas, tomatoes, grapefruits, parsley, carrots, potatoes, onions, beans, peas, pears, etc.
- Zinc: Necessary for the perfect health of the immune system and absorption of vitamin A. In addition it appears that this supplement protects against the toxic effects of some drugs used in this disease. (AZT, zidovudine, an antiviral agent is administered to prevent the AIDS virus to double). Rich zinc foods are: celery, asparagus, borage, figs, potatoes, peanuts, eggplants, cashews, sunflower, onions, kidney beans, potatoes, lentils, peaches, almonds, radishes, pears, sweet potatoes, papayas, cereals, etc.
- Iron: Patients with AIDS usually show low levels of this metal. Eating foods containing it is an effective way to combat anemia. Iron supplementation is not appropriate in these patients and it is best obtained through food. Iron-rich foods are: tomatoes, the beans, the celery, maize, peas, onions, spinach, endives, radishes, carrots, cherimoyas, mango, lettuces, potatoes, apples, lentils, soybean, peaches, garlic, celery, avocados, olives, etc.
There are a number of food the AIDS patient should take almost every day:
– Garlic and onions: Because of its antibacterial and antioxidant properties.
– Pears and apples: for their immune stimulating properties.
– Tomatoes and carrots: It is rich in antioxidant nutrients, lycopene and beta carotene.
– Vegetable fats: sunflower oil, soybean, Olive oil, avocado, etc.
It would also be recommendable a variety of foods such as:
– Whole grain bread.
– Fruits and vegetables in general.
More information on AIDS and its natural treatment