Vitamins, minerals and plant supplements for acne treatment
Medicinal plants and acne remedies
Nutritional supplements or food supplements for acne serve to provide those vitamins, minerals or plant extracts with properties that contribute to the improvement of this affection.
These treatments must be accompanied by the corresponding medical treatment and a suitable diet for acne, mainly controlling the ingestion of products with added sugars and bad fats.
Sheet with some of the supplements recommended in the treatment of acne
Vitamins to improve acne
Vitamin D supplement photo Vitamin D: good levels of this vitamin improve insulin resistance. Since this hormonal disorder is closely related to acne, experts recommend performing an analysis and if deficiency is observed, taking supplements, in addition to sun exposure.
It has been observed that the majority of the population with western life (office workers and a diet poor in oily fish) suffer from deficiency of it. (1 pearl of 1000 IU (= 25 mcg) of vitamin D per day until serum levels normalize)
- B vitamins: Some B-complex vitamins have been linked to improving acne, such as biotin (B7 or vitamin H), folic acid (B9), and pyridoxine (vitamin B6). (Take vitamin B complex)
- Vitamin A: has very interesting properties for skin care and acne treatment.
- Vitamin C: this vitamin is necessary for the formation of collagen and therefore contributes to the regeneration of the skin. Due to its role on the immune system, it has anti-inflammatory properties. (Tablets of 200-300 mg of vitamin C daily together with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables)
- Bee pollen: due to its content in vitamins B and A, it helps to improve acne as well as being an excellent revitalizer (1-2 teaspoons of pollen daily)
- Brewer’s yeast: as a natural supplement of B vitamins and also minerals such as zinc, chromium and iron. Improves insulin resistance (2-3 teaspoons daily or 1 teaspoon at each meal of the day)
Minerals for acne
- Chromium picolinate: Some studies show that acne improves when you follow a low glycemic index diet. Chromium picolinate improves the use of glucose and, together with a proper diet, can help improve acne (Take 100mcg of chromium picolinate a day, in the main meal. Accompany with a diet without products with added sugars)
- Zinc: This mineral helps control sebum secretion from the skin, important role in insulin secretion.
- Brewer’s yeast: already mentioned in the previous section (2-3 teaspoons daily or 1 teaspoon at each meal of the day)
Anti-inflammatory supplements for juvenile acne

- Evening primrose oil and borage oil: supplements with essential fatty acids GLA (gamma-linolenic acid) reduce acne due to their anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory and hormonal regulating effect. The results with this type of supplementation are appreciated after 10 weeks. It is necessary to accompany a diet without bad fats (fried, snacks, pastries, etc.).
- Organic soy lecithin: Helps control body fat levels. (1 teaspoon 1-3 times a day)
Probiotics for acne and constipation
Some scientific research has observed that people with acne are more likely to have problems related to halitosis, reflux, flatulence and constipation. In addition, it is known that damaged intestinal flora (intestinal flora or microbiota) influences the appearance of inflammation in the body. For all this, some dermatologists recommend the use of probiotics.

Do not forget that, as a base, a diet with abundant prebiotic foods should be followed: baked apple, prebiotic potato, vegetable soup, applesauce, chia pudding, flaxseeds and plums soaked, etc.
Avoid added sugars, fried and flours, which are harmful to the intestinal flora.
* Avoid constipation: It is recommended to avoid constipation through a diet rich in vegetables and plenty of hydration (include the consumption of fruits, which contain 90% water).
* Laxative infusions are not recommended, which can have unwanted effects.
Take purifying plant extracts for acne

The skin is an organ that often manifests the state of internal health. For this reason, some professionals recommend the use of medicinal plants for the liver that stimulate the functions of the organs of elimination of toxins. Good health will improve inflammation, normalize hormone levels, and help decongest the liver, thus improving skin health.
For this, a liver cleansing diet is recommended together with the use of medicinal liver plants to tone and purify. These include:
- Milk thistle: due to the presence in its seeds of a component called silymarin, it helps the regeneration of the liver and for it to perform its functions correctly (Milk thistle tablets according to the instructions on the leaflet) (Tincture)
- Boldo: Boldo is one of the medicinal plants most used in herbal recipes for the treatment of the liver and gallbladder. (Infusion of 1 teaspoon of dried leaves, three times a day. The treatments should not be perpetuated for more than 4 weeks)
- Other hepatobiliary plants: other plants used for the same purposes are the extracts of fumitory, artichoke, dandelion, burdock, Desmodium, helichrysum, black radish or rosemary, already mentioned above.
More information on remedies for acne