How to grow great mullein
Characteristics of the great mullein plant
June – September. Flowers in inflorescences spikelike, yellow till 3 cm, with 5 stamens with the filament of the three superiors ones covered of white hair. | |
Regularly, every 2 or 3 days in summmer. Don’t soak the soil. | |
Garden corners, for their abundant summer flowers, its wide leaves covered with whitish hairiness and like a medicinal plant. The flowers contain a yellow coloring that was used in the antiquity. | |
Sun. It tolerades shade. | |
From seeds in spring or division in winter. It is accustomed to self-reproduce very easily. | |
Poor, sandy soil. Medicinal plant (see properties) |
Another species of “Verbascum“
Verbascum blattaria —————- Moth mullein
Verbascum barnadesii —————……………
Verbascum bombyciferum —————………….
Verbascum Chaixii ——————……………
Verbascum creticum —————……………
Verbascum densiflorum ————-……………
Verbascum dumulosum ———————……………….
Verbascum especiosum —————……………
Verbascum hybrida ——————- ……………..
Verbascum longifolium —————……………
Verbascum lychnitis ——————- White mullein
Verbascum nigrum —————— Black blataria
Verbascum phlomoides —————- Orange mullein
Verbascum phoeniceum ————— Purple blataria
Verbascum pulverulentum ——————- Hoary mullein
Verbascum sinuatum —————— ………………….
Verbascum undulatum —————……………
Verbascum virgatum —————– Twiggy mullein
More information about plants cultivation.