Tomatoes diseases

How to treat plant diseases

Plant diseases of tomatoes due to lack or excess of nutrients

tomato crop
Photo of tomato plant with fruits

Among the main ones are the following:

  •  Rolled leaves: As a result of too high humidity or excessive pruning.
  • «Cracking» or cracks in the fruit (tomato cracking): It can be produced by the excess of temperature combined with the lack of humidity. It may also be due to irrigation problems.
  • Fall of the flowers or fruits: It can also be produced by the excess of temperature combined with the lack of humidity. Low temperatures can produce the same results
  • Malformations in fruits: Excess of chemical products, especially phytoregulators. Among these the most important are the auxins that are intended to produce the fruit set. They are used by wetting the inflorescences 1 or 2 times. When the instructions are not followed properly they can produce the aforementioned malformations.
  • Hollow fruit: Excess of chemical products, especially phytoregulators. Fertilization problems of flowers.
  • Tomato sunburn: Excess of solar radiation produces white spots, with an inferior watery texture.
  • Weak yellowish green leaves: Lack of nitrogen.
  • Premature drying of flowers: Deficiencies of phosphorus.
  • Tardiness in the formation and opening of flowers: Deficiencies of phosphorus
  • Yellowish white leaves with spots: Lack of magnesium.

Other diseases of tomatoes

Besides diseases caused by lack or excess of nutrients, tomatoes can show the following types of diseases:

Tomato plagues

Tomatoes can also be affected by numerous plagues, such as tomato rust, aphids, etc ( More information on tomato plagues)

*Related information: Plant diseases

punto rojo More information on tomatoes cultivation

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

23 May, 2024

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