Rowan or mountain ash cultivation

How to grow rowan

Characteristics of Sorbus aucuparia

Sorbus aucuparia
Sorbus aucuparia


Flowers: June – July; Fruits: August – September


It goes on well with a moderate watering, except in time of growth that should be abundant.

gardening pot

For gardens and parks, especially for its attractive berries. The wood in turnery, the berries to manufacture marmalades.


Sun or demishade.


From seeds in spring or young shoots in autumn.


Any type of soil, with a good drainage, preferably calcareous.

Another species of “Sorbus

Sorbus americana ——————— American mountain ash

Sorbus aria————————- Whitebeam

Sorbus austriaca—————–……………

Sorbus cashmiriana ———————Kashmir mountain ash

Sorbus chamemespilus ————–

Sorbus commixta—————–Japanese rowan

Sorbus domestica ———————Service tree

sorbus forrestii—————–…………………

Sorbus gracilis ———————……………..

Sorbus hupehensis —————–Hubei rowan

Sorbus hybrida—————–…………….

Sorbus japonica——————— ……….

Sorbus lanata——————-……………..

Sorbus megalocarpa—————…………..

Sorbus pluripinnata—————–……………

Sorbus prattii———————…………….

Sorbus sambucifolia——————— ……………..

Sorbus sargentiana—————–……………..

Sorbus scopulina—————–……………….

Sorbus sitchensis——————— ……………….

Sorbus terminalis—————– Wild service tree

Sorbus thibetica—————–……………

Sorbus vilmorinii——————……………..

punto rojo More information about plants cultivation.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

11 February, 2022

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