How to grow common pitcher plant
Characteristics of Sarracenia purpurea

flowers appear in spring. Purple -greenish flowers till 6 cm. Pitchers (Leaves-traps) narrow at the base, wider in the superior part. Perennial plant, carnivorous-insectivorous till 15 cm. Native of Northeast of America. | |
Water it frequently, daily during bloom time. Maintain humid the rest of the year. | |
To be cultivated next to the ponds or humid places. Very interesting plant because of its curious flowers, parasol-shaped, and for the rarity of its feeding by means of insects. | |
Place it in the sun or demishade. It doesn’t support high temperatures, reason why it should stay in cold places, even in winter. | |
Reproduce by means of seeds or division in spring. | |
Rich peaty soil, always humid. |
Other species of “Sarracenia“
Sarracenia flava —————…………..
Sarracenia leucophylla—————–……………
More information about plant cultivation.
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.