Blackthorn cultivation

How to grow blackthorn

Characteristics of Prunus spinosa

Photo of blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)




It doesn’t need a very abundant watering although it also supports, contrary to most of “prunus” humid conditions so it can appear in very varied climates.

gardening pot

In borders or walls to form hedges very difficult to cross. Also to extract the fruits for medicinal or culinary uses


Sun, especially if you want it to flourish and produce good fruits. Protect from late frost, especially when in bloom. Provide hold against the wind so that it doesn’t spoil the flowers.


Propagate from seeds in spring or by means of grafting. It is a plant which easily sprouts after a fire and invades neglected lands.


Very well drained loamy soil. An excess of lime can produce chlorosis. It doesn’t support peaty soils.


Medicinal plant. More information

See photo of flowers

Other species of prunus

Prunus armeniaca

Prunus avium

Prunus brigantina

Prunus campanulata

Prunus caroliniana

Prunus cerasifera

Prunus cerasoides

Prunus cerasus

Prunus 3 cistena

Prunus cocomilia

Prunus domestica

Prunus dulcis = Prunus amygdalus

Prunus glandulosa

Prunus ilicifolia

Prunus incisa

Prunus insititia

Prunus laurocerasus

Prunus lusitanica

Prunus lyonii

Prunus maakii

Prunus malaheb

Prunus maritima

Prunus mume

Prunus padus

Prunus persica

Prunus postrata

Prunus ramburii

Prunus salicifolia

Prunus sargentii

Prunus serotina

Prunus serrulata

Prunus tenella

Prunus triloba

Prunus virginiana

Prunus yedoensis


cherry tree

Taiwan cherry


cherry plum, purple-leafed plum

wild Himalayan cherry

sour cherry

purple-leafed sand cherry


almond tree

almond cherry

holy-leaf cherry

fuji cherry


laurel cherry

Portugal laurel

catalina cherry

Manchurian cherry

Mahaleb cherry

beach plum

Japanese apricot

bird cherry


mountain cherry


sargent cherry

black cherry

Oriental cherry

dwarf Russian almond

flowering almond

American bird cherry

Tokyo cherry

punto rojo More information about plant cultivation.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

9 February, 2025

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