How to take care of our plants
Main cultivated plants list
In the following articles about gardening you can find information on the cultivation of plants, flowers and fruit garden.
How to grow medicinal plants, fruit trees, flowers or spices. Information about soil type, optimal climatic conditions for growing plants, garden pests and plant diseases.
Strawberry | Apricot | Goji |
Crassula | Tillandsia | Poinsettia |
Oleander | Guzmania | Azalea |
Tulips | Geraniums | Ficus |
Plants in winter | Corn Plant | Cacti / Succulent plant |
List of plants by common noun
Aaron’s rod | Fig |
Go to the plant list by scientific nouns
More information about plants.
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.