From beginning to end of summer. Very big and conspicuous flowers. The tree produces a lot of flowers, springing as some of them wither. Very big seeds, reddish in very big cones. | |
Abundantly and frequently, specially in summer, till the flower is well established on the ground. | |
As a tree in gardens or parks. | |
Sun or demishade. Protect from wind. | |
From cuttings in summer or seeds in autumn. | |
Deep and fertile acid soil. |
Other species:
Magnolia acuminata
Magnolia aquifolium
Magnolia campbellii
Magnolia cylindrica
Magnolia delavayi
Magnolia denudata
Magnolia globosa
Magnolia hypoleuca
Magnolia kobus
Magnolia liiflora
Magnolia macrophyla
Magnolia officinalis
Magnolia salicifolia
Magnolia sargentiana
Magnolia sieboldii
Magnolia sprengeri
Magnolia stellata
Magnolia virginiana
Magnolia wilsonii
More information about plant cultivation.
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.