Liverleaf cultivation

Liverwort cultivation

Liverleaf care

Liverleaf or liverwort (Hepatica nobilis) is a wild plant that generally grows spontaneously in the gardens of humid areas, or in high wooded areas. In the past, this plant was used medicinally, although it is not currently used due to its possible toxicity.

liverleaf population
Wild liverleaf. Its flowers can be blue, violet or white. The leaves are characterized by white spots.

Botanical characteristics of the liverleaf plant

Perennial plant from the Ranunculaceae family, which are plants from humid, cool and shady areas. It is a low growing plant, between 5 and 20cm.

The leaves are long-petiolated and grow directly from the rhizome, which is short. They are very characteristic, with entire margins, glabrous, obtuse apex and trilobed limb. The upper surface has a pale mottling, the underside is reddish and has fine white hairiness.

The flowers are solitary and are arranged at the end of long peduncles. They are made up of 6-9 petals of violet, white or purple colour. In the wild it is common to find it along with violet and yarrow.

Climate for growing liverleaf

  • It prefers cool, humid and shady climates. Native to undergrowth, deciduous forests, shrublands, grasslands, grassy or leafy slopes, pine forests, beech forests, oak forests, etc.
  • This herb is indicative of calcareous soils.
  • It can grow in semi-shade, shade or full sun, as long as the climate maintains moisture in the soil.
  • Very resistant to cold and frost, up to -20ºC.

Type of soil

  • Liverleaf population
    Liverleaf flower

    Soil types: light or clay loam, deep. Rich in organic matter.

  • It grows well under slopes covered with leaves and plants, which help to maintain soil moisture. Cover the ground with leaves when winter and spring come.
  • Do not plant near legumes, as they compete with each other.


  • It is propagated by seeds in a cold bed, with compost.
  • Stratification during three weeks at 0 – 5ºC.
  • Late germination: between 1 – 12 months at 10ºC.
  • Grow in greenhouse during the first winter.
  • Transplant into permanent soil in summer, covered with mulch and preferably in semi-shade or shade.

Liverleaf irrigation

  • Keep the soil moist.
  • Periodic watering, especially in dry areas and during the summer.

Liverleaf flowering

  • It blooms between February and March, being one of the first primrose flowers.
  • It is cultivated in gardening for its showy and numerous flowers.

punto rojo More information on liverleaf

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

22 January, 2025

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
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