Hyssop cultivation

How to grow hyssop

Hyssop cultivation (Hyssopus officinalis)



June – September. Flowers blue or violet in spikes. Very outstanding stamens standing out of the corolla. Narrow leaves, lanceolate, pointed. Perennial grass of mediterranean origin, up to 70 cm.


Regularly. Not very abundantly in winter.


For flowerbeds in poor soils. It is cultivated as an industrial plant for the elaboration of perfumes, vermouths and aromatic oils. As a medicinal plant, with specially antiseptic properties. The leaves to flavour meals.




By means of seeds in autumn or by means of cuttings in summer. It is convenient to prune the whole plant in spring.


Well drained soil, fertile and loamy, although it can also grow in calcareous poor soils.

* Related information: Hyssop properties

Another species of “Hyssopus

Hyssopus arisatus —————-…………..

Hyssopus canascens —————–…………….

Hyssopus cinereus ————— …………..

Hyssopus montanus —————-………….

punto rojo More information about plants cultivation.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

11 June, 2024

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