How to grow hyssop
Hyssop cultivation (Hyssopus officinalis)
June – September. Flowers blue or violet in spikes. Very outstanding stamens standing out of the corolla. Narrow leaves, lanceolate, pointed. Perennial grass of mediterranean origin, up to 70 cm. | |
Regularly. Not very abundantly in winter. | |
For flowerbeds in poor soils. It is cultivated as an industrial plant for the elaboration of perfumes, vermouths and aromatic oils. As a medicinal plant, with specially antiseptic properties. The leaves to flavour meals. | |
Sun | |
By means of seeds in autumn or by means of cuttings in summer. It is convenient to prune the whole plant in spring. | |
Well drained soil, fertile and loamy, although it can also grow in calcareous poor soils. |
* Related information: Hyssop properties
Another species of “Hyssopus“
Hyssopus arisatus —————-…………..
Hyssopus canascens —————–…………….
Hyssopus cinereus ————— …………..
Hyssopus montanus —————-………….
More information about plants cultivation.
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.