The cultivation of cilantro

How to grow cilantro (Coriander sativum)

Growing cilantro

Cilantro plant characteristics: Annual herb of the carrot family – Umbelliferae– up to 60 cm.

Erect, glabrous stems with a strong scent.

Compound leaves, bipinnate or tripinnate; the lower ones with longer stems and with narrower segments than superior ones.

Whitish flowers in umbels, with till 8 rays.

Very scented fruits.

Its flowers appear in Summer

Cilantro watering

Water frequently mainly during growth.

Once it has established, it is tolerant of the droughts. In fact, it needs hot summers to develop well

Cilantro required place

A photo of cilantro with the leaves and flowers
  • It can be planted directly in the garden or orchard on the floor or in pot
  • It must be cultivated in demi-shade or in morning sun exposure. It prefers the warm climates, although it tolerates heat and cold very well. Warm temperatures favor the biggest quality of its essential oil.

Cilantro uses

As aromatic or medicinal plant.

Cilantro propagation and maintenance

  • Propagate from seeds in spring and in autumn. It must be planted at a little depth (about 5 cm like maximum) it should be protected with stakes.
  • Extreme temperatures facilitate the appearance of seeds.
  • It can be planted in winter if one makes in a greenhouse. With superior temperatures to 15º C, it takes a couple of weeks to germinate.
  • It requires a well drained soil, light and fertile, better rich in loam.
  • Grasses should be eliminated, especially when the plant is young.

Cilantro diseases and plagues

Among the illnesses that affect it more, we find the fungus Ramularia coriandri.

punto rojo More information on cilantro.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

27 November, 2024

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