Varieties or classes of eggplants
Among the most interesting varieties we can mention the following:
Early varieties or classes of eggplants
Dark-colored eggplants have a higher antioxidant content than white or pink ones. Black beauty : It produces abundant fruits, great tasting, black bright purple. It fruits very early so it has great advantages when selling.
- Black prince : Even earlier than the one before and very dark.
- Long purple : It is also an early variety with tasty dark purple fruits.
- Black barbentane : It many bright black fruit early as 30 cm in length.
- Moneymaker : One of the early varieties with best flavor.
- Thai Long Green (Long green of Thailand): From Thailand, it fits very well in temperate climates of Europe or America. It produces fruit and long curved pale green very attractive. Its flesh is creamy white and very soft. (Eastern varieties have thin skins and flesh softer than the American varieties)
Half early Varieties
- Rotonda bianca sfumata di rosa (Round white faded pink): it produces rounded fruits of white with pink accents, ages 12 and 15 cm in diameter.
- “Listada” from Gandía: It produces fruits whitish with purple bands, oval-rounded. Its pulp is white and tasty.
Varieties for cold climates:
- Diamond Eggplant (Aubergine diamond) from Ukraine, produces mild-flavored eggplant and dark purple with a length of between 15 and 20 cm. The flesh is very soft and no bitter. It is a very productive plant
- Bonica (Pretty) very vigorous plant that produces fruit black or very dark purple oval between 12 and 17 cm. It is a very productive variety, ideal for difficult weather locations. You can stand very well in containers to protect the inside and get outside when the weather is milder.
More information on eggplant
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.