Dracaena marginata cultivation

How to grow Dracaena marginata



Perennial plant from the Agave family – Agavaceae – Erect stem, devoid of leaves in adult samples, with light brown rings. Leaves at the end of the stems, lanceolate, pointed, dark green with a red margin, till 40 cm long.


Not swamped soil. Water every week during growth, each 15 or 20 days in winter., it is not convenient to keep the waste water rest inside the plate. Spray it weekly from spring till autumn.

gardening pot

As an indoor plant and for very warm gardens, where temperature in winter doesn’t go down below 13ºC.


It needs light, although it can live in not very illuminated places, in this case its leaves lose their color. It can also live with artificial light but it doesn’t like direct solar light. If so, filter it. Ideal temperature among the 12 -23ºC


By means of stems cuttings in spring. Cut fragments of about 10 cm from ending stems and introduce them in the soil. Fertilise once a month with a liquid fertilizer in time of growth.


Garden soil with peat. Red scales, aphyds, red spiders and mealybugs can affect it. Clean them with methyl alcohol and apply a specific insecticide.

Other species of “Dracanea

Dracaena fragans …………………. Dracaena

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punto rojo More information about plants cultivation.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

21 November, 2024

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