How to grow dumb cane, leopard lilly or dieffenbachia (Dieffenbachia seguine var. camilla)
Dieffenbachia care guide
Perennial tropical plant up to 2,5 m. Erect stems, thick and fleshy with big leaves ending in pointed apex; largely petiolated, marbled with white or yellow. Flowers in spadix surrounded by a sheath-like leaf; small, white-greenish. It rarely flourishes when it is cultivated, only sometimes at the beginning of spring when the plant is well grown-up. | |
Leave the soil dry before watering. Spray leaves. | |
Pot use indoors. It is a very poisonous plant (See toxicity) | |
Do not place it in full sun, but in illuminated places away from air currents. | |
Reproduce by means of layer | |
Rich humus soil. |
*Related information:
– Dieffenbachia characteristics
More information about plant cultivation.
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.