How to grow Hyssop-leaved Pink (Dianthus hyssopifolius)
Characteristics of the plant

May – August. Flowers till 3,5 cm, whitish pink, with divided petals. | |
Water it regularly, 2 to 3 times weekly. | |
To cover surfaces or rocky borders, for color fringes and as bouquet flower. | |
Sun. | |
By means of seeds in spring. Cut the floral stems after withering the flowers | |
Alkaline soil with a good drainage. |
Other species of “Dianthus“
Dianthus alpinus ———————……………….
Dianthus anatolicus ——————-………………
Dianthus arenarius ———————……………
Dianthus armeria ——————-….Detford pink
Dianthus barbatus ——————– Sweet William
Dianthus carthusianorum ———– Cartusian pink
Dianthus caryophyllus ————— Clove pink
Dianthus chinensis ——————- Chinese pink, Indian pink
Dianthus deltoides ——————- Maiden pink
Dianthus erinaceus—————–……………..
Dianthus gallicus ——————— Jersey pink
Dianthus giganteus —————————-………………….
Dianthus gratianopolitanus ———- Cheddar pink
Dianthus pavonius ————–…………………
Dianthus plumarius ——————- Garden pink, Cottage pink
Dianthus pungens —————–…………………
Dianthus pyrenaicus —————-………………
Dianthus rupicola ——————……………
Dianthus seguieri —————–………………..
Dianthus serrulatus ————-…………………
Dianthus superbus ——————— Large pink
Dianthus sylvestris —————–…………..
More information about plant cultivation.