Cultivation calendars: Sowing, planting and collecting time

What are cultivation calendars?

There is a right time to plant vegetables. The same can be said about when to collect them.

The following guidance for the cultivation of vegetables gives the gardener a series of very interesting data about sowing, planting, transplanting, and harvesting the main fruits and vegetables.

It is also very interesting for a gardener to know what resistance plants have to cold or difficulty of cultivation in general. The following tables may help facilitate the work of those who want to grow vegetables.

The colors we provide offer other interesting facts, such as the level of frost tolerance, the degree of difficulty or simplicity of each crop

Vegetable cultivation calendars and tables

You can consult the following information:

Sowing calendar

Planting and transplanting calendar

Harvesting calendar

Frost hardiness table

Growing difficulty table

More information on vegetable growing

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

23 January, 2025

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