Most common pests in winter

What pests do we find in our homes in winter?

Main household pests in winter

Is it normal to have a pest at home in winter?

American cockroach
American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) is one of the main pests in our home.

Yes, it is very common. Most people tend to associate pests with the spring and summer seasons, when the flower stems emerge and the trees are once again in all their splendor, thinking that the cold winter makes these pests seek shelter while waiting for the good weather, but we are wrong.

In part, the sun and good weather make us notice more types of pests as they come out and populate parks and cities, but in winter they are still there, they are just hidden, and often they look for a warm and pleasant place to take refuge, such as our homes.

When the cold winter and low temperatures arrive, there are some types of pests that are experts at hiding and “bothering us” during the winter, and they are none other than the experts in survival, cockroaches, brown rats and mice, which are common in cities in central Spain such as Madrid.

Cockroach infestation in winter

Cockroach infestations are probably the most common pests that exist, especially inside our homes. These types of insects are capable of living in conditions that even humans cannot live in, so winter is a mere formality for them.

An effective way to combat them is to avoid leaving food scraps and food in visible places outdoors, always keeping them closed and emptying the trash daily, which will help them from spreading throughout the home.

It is a type of pest that contaminates our food at home, since these animals contain various pathogens inside their body that they spread in their wake through their excrement and saliva.

An effective way to combat them is to avoid leaving food scraps and food in visible places outdoors, always keeping them closed and emptying the trash daily, which will help prevent them from spreading throughout the home.

Pests of rats and mice in winter

House mouse
Photo of house mouse (Mus musculus)

Rodent pests are also common in our homes, but to a lesser extent, due to the size of these animals which makes it more difficult for them to reach our home, but they do succeed.

We find them mainly in communities of neighbors, in garages and storage rooms, places where they know they can “roam freely” for most of the day without being disturbed, but sometimes they come to our houses in search of food and the heat from our heaters, which causes a serious problem for humans.

Apart from contaminating our food by transmitting diseases, these types of pests are experts at causing serious damage to our homes, due to their great ability to gnaw through everything they find, such as pipes, cables and even walls, in order to gain access to certain rooms.

To avoid this type of pest, just like with cockroaches, we must avoid having food and garbage in our home outdoors that attracts them, as well as covering every hole and crack we find in our home.

Spider pests in winter

There are other types of pests and insects that enter our homes in search of warmth, such as recluse spider, which is very common in our homes and less noticeable than cockroaches or mice. It is not usually potentially dangerous to humans, but they can cause some bites on our body. To find them we must always look in the corners and ceilings of our home.

Pests will always be among us, we just have to know how to fight them and prevent them from entering our homes.

* Article collaboration with Ideal servicios, pest control experts in Madrid (Original article in Spanish: Plagas más habituales en invierno)

punto rojo More information on pests

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

7 March, 2025

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