How to grow musk thistle (Carduus nutans)
June – September. Flowers in big heads till 5 cm with wide bracts. | |
Regularly | |
Garden corners, sunny and stony. | |
Sun | |
From seeds in spring. | |
Rich limy soil, loose, and with good drainage. |
Another types of “Cardus“
Cardus acanthoides —————- Welted thistle
Carduus bourgeanus —————………….
Cardus carlinoides ——————……………
Carduus cernuus ———————……………….
Carduus crispus ——————- ……………
Carduus defloratus —————- ……………
Carduus meonanthus ———–……………
Carduus nigrecens —————……………
Cardus personata ——————-…………………
Cardus pycnocephalus ————-…………..
Cardus tenuiflorus ——————– Slender thistle
More information about plants cultivation.
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.