How to grow pepper (Capsicum annuum)
Beginning of summer. White flowers with short petioles, entire, petiolated. Big fruit in capsule, green becoming red when maturing. Native from america. | |
Water it abundantly but not constantly. Water through furrows. We should not wet the fruits so that they don’t rot. | |
Orchard plant. Most of them are cultivated by its fruits – the peppers – that present many varieties; Sweet ones can be eaten as a vegetable. other are very hot peppers, paprikas or ornamental. | |
Sun, they need warm climates. In cold climates they should be cultivated in greenhouses. | |
Seeds can be sowed directly on the land if the climate is warm. In colder places they should be obtained through seedbed and to be transplanted when hotter. | |
Preferably loose, deep and rich soil. |
Other species of “Capsicum“
Capsicum baccatum —————–……………
Capsicum frutescens ——————- Tabasco pepper, chilli pepper
More information about plants cultivation.
This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.