Harebell or Scottish blue bell cultivation

How to grow harebell or Scottish bluebell (Campanula rotundifolia)



July – September


Abundantly, soil must never be dry.

gardening pot

In flower beds, compositions or for hanging pots.


Sun or demishade.


From seeds in summer or from division in autumn or spring. To attain better flowers it is advisable to cut the dry floral stems.


Garden soil, not very compact with a good drainage.

Other species of “Campanula

Campanula alliariifolia—————–……….

Campanula betulifolia——————— …….

Campanula bononiensis—————–………

Campanula carpatica —————–Carpathian bellflower

Campanula cervicaria —————–……..

Campanula cochleariifolia ————-Fairies’ thimbles

Campanula dichotoma—————-…………

Campanula edulis ——————— ………..

Campanula erinus ——————……….

Campanula fastigiata—————……….

Campanula garganica——————-……

Campanula glomerata————— Clustered bellflower

Campanula isophylla———————Italian bellflower

Campanula lactiflora —————– Milky bellflower

Campanula latifolia —————— Great bellflower

Campanula latiloba—————–………..

Campanula lusitanica————–…………

Campanula medium——————— Canterbury bell

Campanula patula ——————-

Campanula persicifolia—————– Peach-leafled bellflower

Campanula portenschlagiana ———— Dalmatian bellflower

Campanula poscharskyana ———— Servian bellflower

Campanula pyramidalis —————–……..

Campanula rapunculoides—————– Creeping bellflower

Campanula rapunculus—————— Rampion

Campanula rhomboidalis—————–…………

Campanula scheuchzeri—————–…………..

Campanula serrata———————-…………….

Campanula speciosa——————–………..

Campanula spicata———————-……

Campanula takesimana——————…….

Campanula thyrsoides——————………..

Campanula trachelium —————–………….

Campanula versicolor —————–…….

Campanula vidalii——————— Azores bellflower

punto rojo More information about plant cultivation.

This article was endorsed by Julián Masats - Technical agricultural engineer specialized in horticulture and gardening.
Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

17 June, 2021

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