Yogurt mask with olive oil for dry skin

How to make a yogurt mask

Yogurt mask with olive oil for dry skin
Ingredients:– 1 yogurt

– 1 teaspoon olive oil.


– Mix the yogurt with olive oil.

– Stir well until the mixture forms a smooth paste.


After cleaning the skin with an exfoliating cream, applied a thin layer of this mask and leave it there for about 15 minutes. Clean with warm water.

Other masks for dry skin:

– Mask of peanuts with soy oil for dry skin

Pear mask for dry skin

Related information:Oily skin masks, Oily skin creams , oily skin tonics, types of skin

More information about dry skin and its natural treatment.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 May, 2024

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