How to care for your cuticles

Olive oil for nail cuticles

What are nail cuticles? Why do nails have cuticles?

Cuticles are the parts of the skin that surround the nails. Cuticles act as a sheath that protects the nail and prevents germs from penetrating between the nail and the skin, which would cause serious infections.

Importance of caring for the nail cuticles

It is important to keep nail cuticles in good condition, not only because nails with unkempt cuticles are an aesthetic problem, but because nail health depends largely on healthy cuticles.

Nails with sloppy cuticles show symptoms such as overgrown cuticles that partially cover the nails and make them ugly. For example, cuticles torn or lifted by rubbing against objects or by activities that directly affect our nails, such as detergents, dust; cuticles too dry due to lack of hydration; cuticles hardened by improper thickening, etc.

How to care for nail cuticles?

In principle, it is necessary to provide them with adequate nutrients both internally with the necessary food (See diet for nails in the list below), and externally, with the hydration they require.

Externally, the use of massage oils will provide the softness and hydration that the cuticles need. Some oils such as almond oil, jojoba oil or even olive oil are especially interesting.

Once internally and externally fed, the cuticles must be kept in the proper shape, size and thickness. To do this, we will use the appropriate tools that can be purchased in cosmetic stores. They are used to remove or cut the cuticles.

It is advisable not to use scissors, toothpicks and other objects to manipulate the cuticles. The use of a nail bag with the corresponding tools is necessary to keep our cuticles healthy.

Olive oil to strengthen nail cuticles

Olive oil can be used to remedy nail problems. The application of olive oil on the nails nourishes them and provides more vigor, softness and strength to the nail cuticles, avoiding problems such as weak cuticles.

Among the main applications we can mention the following:

Olive oil and lemon baths to strengthen cuticles


  • Fill half a glass with olive oil.
  • Add the juice of one lemon.
  • Take baths 15 minutes before going to bed.


  • Place the nails of one hand inside the glass and leave them inside for 5 minutes.
  • Perform the same procedure with the other hand.
  • Dry your hands with a paper towel.
  • DO NOT wash.
  • Lie down and let the olive oil soak into your nails and skin overnight.

* Other applications of olive oil for nails

Olive oil for nail stretch marks

– Olive oil to strengthen your nails

punto rojo More information on remedies for nails

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

26 October, 2021

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
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