Medicinal plants skin tonics for oily skins

Characteristics of oily skin tonics

What are tonics?

Tonics are applied as an alternative to washing creams after washing your skin or, as a additional cleaning, after applying cleansing creams.

Unlike other treatments, such as cleansers, creams, nutritional or masks, toners are applied with gentle pats on the skin.

Properties of skin tonics?

These toners will clean out the remnants of creams and impurities, will help to close the skin pores, and provide moisture and freshness to the skin, increasing its permeability so that future cleansers can penetrate better.

The tonic for oily skin have astringent properties, can reduce fat, close pores and tone the skin, helping to maintain elasticity.

The best oily tonics for the skin with medicinal plants

Among the many tonics available, we can mention the following:

Daisy tonic for oily skin

Ingredients:– 4 tablespoons of daisy flowers.

– 10 tablespoons of water.

– 2 teaspoons of ethyl alcohol of 90 degrees.


– Introduce the petals of a daisy in a glass container.

– Boil water and, when boiling, pour the petals. Let stand for 10 minutes.

– Strain the liquid and add 2 tablespoons of 90% ethyl alcohol.

– Save the tonic in a bowl to cool.


Apply to skin in the morning and the evening with light pats.

Marigold tonic for oily skin

Ingredients:– 4 tablespoons of marigold flowers.

– 1 glass of water.


– Infusion of calendula flowers.

– Let stand for 4 hours.


Apply to skin in the morning and the evening with light pats.

Face masks for oily skins: Carrot face mask

Related information: Oily skin creams , oily skin masks, types of skin

punto rojo More information about oily skin and its natural treatment.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.