Benefits of natural cosmetics

Benefits of natural cosmetics and their advantages over conventional cosmetic products

What is natural cosmetic?

natural cosmetics
Natural cosmetics showcase at a naturist fair

Natural cosmetics consists of the use of cleaning and skin care products that serve to protect, beautify and keep it healthy and in good condition. These products are normally obtained from plants, such as aloe (Aloe vera) or from minerals, such as clays.

Cosmetics protect the skin and some are able to penetrate it and perform some functions, such as nutrition or hydration.

Natural cosmetics can be confused with certified organic cosmetics, which consists of the use of cosmetics that follow certain certification parameters. Due to their quality, many of these cosmetics are considered “natural cosmetics”. It is also worth mentioning that within natural cosmetic products there are very different qualities.

What characteristics should natural cosmetics have?

Natural products contain skin rejuvenating substances or agents. Many of them are found as ingredients in the composition of the most prestigious creams, such as rosehip oil, argan or shea.

People who try the use of pure natural cosmetics claim that they have better effects than conventional cosmetic creams.

Natural cosmetics, the best for the skin

The skin is the largest organ in the body, the one that relates us to the outside and that reflects the state of health of each person. It can even be considered to be the organ that expresses the emotions or the state of mind of the person, through facial expressions. It is for this reason that the use of creams or other beauty products is common among both the female and male population.

There are natural cosmetic products for facial, body and hair care. The advantage of natural cosmetics is that they contain more active ingredients or phytochemicals with properties to nourish the skin. Using these products in their pure form will provide powerful nourishing and regenerating effects on the skin.

What is cosmetics for?

The main function of cosmetics is the care or protection of the skin against different factors that can unprotect or damage it. Age, sun exposure, extreme temperatures, scars… They can change the aesthetic appearance of the skin.

Natural cosmetics serve to preserve youthful and well-nourished skin, preventing premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles.

Advantages of natural cosmetics

Most natural cosmetic products are respectful for the skin, such as aloe gel or shea butter. These natural ingredients have properties to improve the appearance and health of the skin, and are an alternative to cosmetic creams with ingredients of questionable safety.

Characteristics of natural cosmetic products

Another advantage of natural cosmetic products is their concentration on principles. The base of most conventional cosmetics (even the most expensive ones) consists of 80-90% water and 20-10% fat.

Natural cosmetics usually use a base of aloe vera gel, which is a gelatinous watery substance, extracted from the aloe plant, with recognized properties for skin care.

The greasy part of natural cosmetic creams are vegetable oils, usually of high quality – virgin – and from organic farming, rich in linoleic and linolenic acids, which have very nourishing properties for the skin.

Natural cosmetic products may also contain plant extracts with properties to soothe or improve certain skin conditions.

No perfumes are used, but essential oils of plants to make it hypoallergenic. * Note: It is advisable to avoid the use of natural creams that contain essential oils during pregnancy.

They do not contain parabens, aluminum or sulfates. This does not mean that organic creams cannot use other chemical preservatives, as it is necessary to use a preservative to prevent the product from deteriorating or being contaminated by bacteria.

Ingredients of natural cosmetics

Ingredients of homemade natural cosmetics
Ingredients of homemade natural cosmetics. Foods and plants have powerful properties to improve the health of the skin, better than many commercial products. Give them a try!

The use of creams, lotions, baths and other natural treatments for beautifying purposes has been practiced for millennia in human history. To do this, people have been provided with ingredients provided by nature, mainly plants, but also some minerals.

  • Aloe (Aloe vera): Aloe gel is rich in mucilage that hydrates the skin. It is applied before oils or as a daytime facial cream. (See aloe gel)
  • Green or white clay: It is one of the best exfoliants for a natural peeling, because in its composition there are molecules that strongly attract the residues from the interior of the pores, capturing them and leaving a soft skin.
  • Rosehip oil (Rosa moschata): Widely used to reduce scars (Apply cold pressure rosehip oil on the skin 1-2 times a day. Preferably as a night cream to nourish the skin at night without leaving shine)
  • Jojoba oil: It is the most indicated for the face for pregnant women with acne problems or oily skin. It is an excellent nutrient, rich in waxes and oleic acid, with protective properties for the skin.
  • Oat flakes (Avena sativa): It is an authentic natural exfoliator for the skin. Due to its richness in soluble fibers, it helps to remove impurities from the skin (homemade oatmeal mask hydrated in water or squeezed lemon)

Vegetable oils to nourish and enhance the beauty of the skin

Massages with vegetable oils such as rosehip increase blood flow and increase skin nutrition. At the same time, a layer is formed that prevents perspiration (dehydration) of the skin. In this sense, all kinds of vegetable oils can be used, with rosehip and wheat germ being the most recommended (preferably that they are obtained by cold pressing, because this way they better conserve their vitamins and flavonoids, which intervene in the health of the skin.).

It is recommended to use the pure oil because it has a more powerful effect than when it is in the composition of creams. Avoid creams that contain them, as they usually contain very small amounts.

punto rojo More information on natural cosmetics

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 May, 2024

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