Honey cosmetic uses

Properties of honey for the skin

What cosmetic uses honey has?

The use of honey in cosmetics is very broad. Combined with lemon, oats or other ingredients, it can be used to make masks or creams for skin care.

Honey is a natural component of easy conservation and with very recognized antioxidant properties, reason why it can prevent the harmful action of the free radicals on the health of the skin, cause of numerous anomalies like flaccidity, wrinkles, spots, etc.

Honey is rich in enzymes and essential amino acids very suitable for the conservation and care of the skin.


Honey masks to remedy acne

Among the many masks available we can mention the following:

Strawberry Face Mask for Acne Remedy



  • 3 good size strawberries.
  • 1 tablespoon honey.
  • 1 of sweet cream.


  • Crush the strawberries. Pour the honey together with the strawberries. Stir until well blended.
  • Add a tablespoon of sweet cream and stir until a homogeneous paste is formed

How is it used:

Apply to the skin a thin layer of this mask and leave it to act for about 30 minutes. Clean with cold clayey water.

Honey masks for the hair

Honey, wheat germ and almond oil mask for normal hair

Wheat germ

Wheat germ

  • 1 tablespoon of wheat germ
  • 3 tablespoons of almond oil.
  • 1 tablespoon honey


  • Mix one tablespoon of wheat germ oil, three tablespoons of almond oil and one tablespoon of honey
  • Stir well and apply after washing the hair.

How to use it:

Apply this mask on the hair and let it act for about 10 minutes. Wash with plenty of warm water.

Mask of avocado, honey, corn oil and soy oil for dry hair




  • Mix three tablespoons of avocado oil, one tablespoon of corn oil and another tablespoon of soybean oil.
  • Add two tablespoons of honey.

How to use it:

Leave on the hair for 10 minutes and wash later with warm water. This mask can be stored in a jar to apply to the hair still wet after washing.

Other creams, masks or tonics with honey:

Honey creams for wrinkles.

Honey cream for dry skin.

Lemon and honey mask

Mask of cucumbers and honey for oily skin

Lemon and honey tonic for dry skin

More information on honey.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.