Homemade medicinal plants natural shampoos

Natural homemade shampoos, made with medicinal plants

What shampoo is best for your hair?

The best hair shampoos are natural shampoos. A natural shampoo is one that does not contain harsh chemical ingredients for the hair, such as detergents, artificial colorings, etc. In pharmacies and herbalists’ you can find a wide range of suitable natural shampoos for every hair type.

It is also possible to prepare natural shampoos at home. By making a natural shampoo at your home you will be sure you are only using natural products. Besides, you are going to save some money.

How to make homemade shampoos?

Some of the best well-known homemade natural shampoos are:

Shampoos for normal hair

chamomileNettle shampoo with chamomile: Nettle is very good as a hair tonic. It is a plant with very well-known anti-baldness properties. The main components which are responsible for this property ar oleic, linoleic and palmitic acids and zinc.

Chamomile has beneficial properties for hair since it helps eliminate itching and flaking by means of killing the hair possible bacteria. Moreover, from an aesthetic standpoint, it clarifies the hair and makes it shine. (To make this shampoo is made an infusion of a spoonful of chamomile flowers with a quart of water to which is added a teaspoon of nettles.

Nettle shampoo with chamomile and egg for normal hair

Ingredients:– 1 spoonful chamomile flowers

  • 1 spoonful nettle
  • ½ liter of water
  • 1 egg yolk


  • Make a 15 minutes infusion of chamomile flowers in 250 ml of water.
  • Make a 15 minutes infusion of nettle flowers in 250 ml of water.
  • Mix both infusions in a bowl.
  • Add the egg yolk and stir it well to form a soft paste.
  • Put it in a plastic or crystal bottle.
  • Close it well and keep it in the fridge until being used


It’s a single use preparation. Apply on your hair abundantly. Leave it there for 5 minutes and rinse your hair well, preferable with mineral or natural water without chlorine. Repeat the process.

Use it in the same day of preparation. Don’t ingest it. Don’t keep it after using.

More natural shampoos for normal hair:

Honey shampoo

Horsetail and soapwort shampoo

Shampoos for dry hair

arnicaRosemary and arnica shampoo: Arnica has antibacterial properties that help remove hair pathogens. In addition, it actives blood circulation fostering its preservation and growth.

Stimulating properties of rosemary for hair growth are well-known. You can use rosemary oil or rosemary leaves to prepare very good shampoos for your hair.

Rosemary and arnica shampoo for dry hair

Ingredients:– 1 spoonful of rosemary.

  • ½ spoonful of arnica
  • 1 liter of water


  • Mix both herbs and make a 15 minutes infusion in boiling water.
  • Filter it well.


It’s a single use preparation. Apply on your hair abundantly. Leave it there for 5 minutes and rinse your hair well, preferable with mineral or natural water without chlorine. Repeat the process.

More natural shampoos for dry hair:

Avocado shampoo

Soapwort and elder shampoo

More information about dry hair shampoos

Shampoos for oily hair

rosmaryRosemary and egg shampoo : Rosemary stimulates hair growth. Eggs nourish hair follicle helping to prevent its fall. Besides, they make it softer and brighter.

Rosemary and egg shampoo for oily hair


  • 1 teaspoon of rosemary leaves and flowers.
  •  1 egg yolk
  • 1 cup of water


  • Make a 15 minutes infusion of rosemary in a cup of boiling water.
  • Add the egg yolk and stir all well to form a paste.


It’s a single use preparation. Apply on your hair abundantly. Leave it there for 5 minutes and rinse your hair well, preferable with mineral or natural water without chlorine. Repeat the process.

Use it in the same day of preparation. Don’t ingest it. Don’t keep it after using.

More natural shampoos for oily hair:

Mint and sage shampoo.

Shampoos for dandruff

Egg yolk shampoo for the treatment of dandruff


  • 1 tablespoonful of brandy.
  • 1 egg yolk.
  • 1 tablespoons of baby soap.


  • In a bowl mix all the ingredients very well.
  • Keep it in the fridge until being used


It’s a single use preparation. Apply on your hair abundantly. Leave it there for 5 minutes and rinse your hair well, preferable with mineral or natural water without chlorine. Repeat the process.

Use it in the same day of preparation. Don’t ingest it. Don’t keep it after using.

More natural shampoos for dandruff:

Herbal shampoo for dandruffOlive oil for hair

punto rojo More information about remedies for baldness.

Written by Editorial Botanical-online team in charge of content writing

18 May, 2024

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This material is for informational purposes only. In case of doubt, consult the doctor.
"Botanical-online" is not responsible for damages caused by self-medication.